Chapter Nine

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Luke’s POV

I got home an hour later than it should’ve taken because I’d been driving about one mile an hour the whole way. I parked the car then got out and picked up the gym bag and took Harmony’s car seat into the house.

“Hello?” I called when I got in but no one replied. I threw my gym bag on the sofa and then walked around the house looking for someone but no one was here. I rang Mum but it went straight to voicemail each time, I guess she’d ring at some point if she wasn’t coming back so I stopped worrying and focused on Harmony. She was asleep so I took her into the living room and put her car seat next to me on the sofa and I left her to sleep while I watched TV.

She woke up an hour later and started to cry. I didn’t know what to do so I went through the list of things that could be wrong in my head, was she hungry? I made her a bottle and she started to drink it so she must just have been hungry. Halfway through the bottle she stopped drinking and started to cry again.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her bouncing her up and down.

“You’ve just had a nap, I just fed you and you don’t smell like you need changing” I said thinking out loud.

I tried to ring Mum again but she didn’t pick up so I left a voicemail.

Harmony carried on crying, the only thing that I could think of was that she needed to burp so I set her down on my knee and leaned her chest against one of my hands and I used my other hand to rub her back. She stopped crying but pulled a really weird face, she eventually did a small burp. I was just about to stop but she burped again, this time it was followed by vomit flowing out of her mouth and all over my jeans.

“Yuck” I sighed.


“Mum?” I called out when I heard the front door open as I gave Harmony another bottle. It was now 8pm and I’d been home alone until now, Harmony went to sleep at around 6 but she’d woken up crying twice for a feed, I don’t even know how she was still hungry.

“No its me” Beau shouted back.

I sighed and carried on feeding her. It had only been 5 hours but I was already exhausted.

Beau walked into the living room and saw all the vomit covered blankets, the bag of nappies I’d opened to hard and had gone everywhere and the empty bottles on the side. He then looked over to me and saw Harmony,

“What?” He asked sounding shocked “When did she come home?”

“About 5 hours ago” I sighed

“Where’s Mum?” He asked

“Your guess is as good as mine” I said shrugging as Harmony finished her bottle and I put it down.

I carried Harmony into my room and put her down in her cot for the first time. By the time I’d got ready for bed and come back into the room she’d fallen asleep. I took a picture of her and then got into bed.

I couldn’t sleep though; I spent hours watching her to make sure she was okay until she woke up again. After I changed her and put her back to bed I eventually stopped worrying enough to fall asleep.



*Earlier that day, after seeing Harmony*

‘Ugh’ I groaned as Mum pushed me into the house and went to fast over the step causing the pain in my stomach to get worse.

Mum didn’t notice though she just wheeled me into the kitchen and started to make me something to eat.

I quietly groaned in pain as my stomach started to hurt more than it ever had in the last few days. I’d been learning to deal with it seeing as I had no way of telling Mum, I felt like I was trapped in my body. I could hardly move and I couldn’t speak. When I woke up in the hospital I felt so scared, I didn’t know anyone or anything, but as soon as I saw Mum I remembered her. It took me a while to remember Luke and Beau and when I remembered all of the memories we shared I just felt really embarrassed to let them see me like this, especially Luke, I couldn’t even make eye contact with him. Don’t even get me started about how embarrassing being in a wheelchair is and how uncomfortable my neck brace is.

“Jai, what’s wrong, why are you crying” Mum asked sounding really worried, I hadn’t even noticed I was, I groaned loudly in pain and tried to bring my hand up to my stomach so she’d get the message. She moved my hand out of the way and lifted my shirt up. She quickly dropped it again and wheeled me out of the house and to the car.

I hated being in the car, Luke drove slowly for me earlier but Mum didn’t, and I got really scared whenever we went somewhere. The ride was finally over and we arrived at the hospital. Mum wheeled me in and doctors started looking at my stomach but I couldn’t move my neck so see what they were all looking at.

I was taken out of my wheelchair and put on a bed lying flat on my back. I didn’t know where Mum was, there were just lots of strange doctors everywhere, I really wanted my Mum though.

After various scans and injections I think they gave me something to put me to sleep because I didn’t feel right.


“So what was it?” I heard my Mum ask

“It was some internal bleeding; his organs were still damaged from the crash, and that’s what all the bruising was. We sorted it all out though” A doctor said.

“Thank you” Mum said.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw the familiar sight of a hospital room, I was sick of hospitals, I only just got home and then this happens.

I noticed my Mum staring at me so I looked back at her.

“Oh Jai” She sighed reaching over and brushing my hair out of my face

“Can you hear me?” She asked with a few tears rolling down her face, I wanted nothing more than to sit up and hug her but I couldn’t.

“I just want you to give me a sign that you’re okay, that you’re not in pain and you know what’s going on” She sobbed and tightly grabbed my hands, I tried to squeeze her hand back and I think I managed it because she looked at me happier.

“I love you babe” She said kissing my cheek but after that it felt like my whole body had frozen up so I closed my eyes, there was nothing else I could do and I was really tired so I just fell asleep.

So  sorry it took so long but I’ve had exams, I know its short as well but Jai’s POV though, come on, is that worth some comments?


You're Pregnant?! (Luke Brooks Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora