the ballad of the two power couples, and then us

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The day was agonisingly long up until lunch. I mean, sure, I liked science and Literature every other day, but it kind of sucked when teachers were asking you a ton of questions, though. They consisted mostly of:

"So, you're moving, huh?" No dip, Sherlock

"We are all going to miss you." You sit on a thrones of lies.

"You were a great student; it will be a shame to see you go." I don't think I ever completed one assignment for your class, but whatever.

"You are going to do so well in New York City!" Yeah, I'll probably do better there than I did here.

Lunch rolled around. I wasn't hungry, but I really wanted to draw for some reason, so I grabbed a few pencils and a small notebook and headed to the cafeteria when we were dismissed.

I sat in the usual spot at the usual table in the usual cafeteria, but there were some unusual people joining Jemma and me today.

"Hey Carter," Gavin said and plopped down next to me with his food.

"Hi," Kade said and did the same thing. Emma gave me a questionable look from across the table, but Jet smirked in amusement next to her.

"Hey . . . " I replied.

"Is it true?" Kade asked.

"You are going to have to be more specific," I stated, bluntly.

"Are you actually moving?" Gavin finished.

I nodded. "Tuesday will be my last full day here."

Kade frowned. "Noooo! I haven't gotten to know you all that well, though!" he pouted. (A/n: Hey, Lizzie. Remember the yearbook note? [Btw it's an inside joke so if you aren't Lizzie don't feel stupid if you don't get it.] )

"Sorry, bud. We had nine years," I told him regretfully. Gavin stared at him with adoration. It was cute because even though Kade was fairly popular, he was still pretty innocent, kind of like a small child, and he was also quite feminine; Gavin, on the other hand, was more dominant when it came to his personality and seemed overly protective of Kade.

Jet whispered something into Emma's ear and Emma giggled at Gavin. It snapped Gavin out of his gaze and confused him.

"What?" he asked.

Emma giggled some more. "I'm just wondering when you are going to ask him out," she said, smugly. I laughed and Kade blushed deeply.

"A few days ago, actually," Gavin stated proudly. Emma and Jet gasped.

"Yes, finally! We aren't the only yes homo couple!" Jet exclaimed. Gavin smiled and looked back over to Kade, both the boys meeting each other's eyes while I sat in between them, trying my best not to be too socially awkward.

"Do you wanna switch?" I asked Kade. He nodded eagerly and we both got up and switched spots. Right when he sat down, Gavin gave him a kiss on the cheek. Jet and Emma awwed, and I just smirked and rolled my eyes.

The two power couples were sitting across from each other, talking, and I sat at the end, fifth-wheelin' it. Until Sam sat across from me, surprising everyone.

"Hey," he stated plainly. Gavin was the first to snap out of his state of shock.

"Sup, bro," he replied, breaking the tension. Jemma both mumbled polite hellos and Kade waved cheerfully and smiled brightly.

Jemma and Gade (wow, great ship name, Carter) both continued their conversation as if we were not there. Sam looked over at me.

"Are they . . . a couple?" he asked, referring to Jet and Emma. I smiled and nodded.

That's Life, BudDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora