at a loss of Gavin

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It was hard to get up that morning. Sam's bed was too warm and too comfortable and I was too hesitant to say goodbye to Gavin. Kade's face was going to break my heart. He was too precious to be going through something like this, much less Gavin being kicked out of his house for being in love with him.

The morning went by in a flash. I was out of Sam's room and back into my own before any could realize I was gone. Mom and Jasper were still sleeping when I walked out  the door, wearing black jeans, a black sweatshirt with the hood pulled up, black winter boots, and lots of bracelets. I also put on some waterproof mascara, too.

Sam met me outside my house, wearing jeans and a heavy jacket. He was obviously upset. When he saw me he greeted me with a sad smile.

"I cannot thank you enough for staying with me last night," Sam told me, gratefully. "I wouldn't have gotten any sleep."

"Don't worry, it was like having a sleepover, like we used to."

He held out his hand and asked, "Ready?"

I took it. "No, but we should probably go anyways," I confessed. Sam gave me a reassuring smile and started walking with me towards Kade's house.

We walked for about 7 minutes in comfortable silence. It was about 9:24 am when we got there. Kade's house wasn't all that far away, considering that almost everyone at our school lived in this neighborhood.

We went to knock on the door, but it flung open before we could, revealing Kade, whose face was stained with tears.

"Hey guys," he croaked, sniffling in between some words. "You can come in. Gavin and I are just hanging out in my room." He moved out of the doorway for us to walk in. We stepped inside of his large yet quaint house and followed him up the stairs and into his room. His walls were white and he had a baby blue bed and pictures of him and Gavin hung up on the walls. A few stuffed animals laid around the room, scattered. Kade was wearing some jeans and an oversized pink sweater. He was so sweet it hurt my heart.

Gavin was sitting on the bed, tears running down his cheeks and his usual light smile gone. When we walked into Kade's room, he took his head out of his and and looked at us, giving us a weak smile.

"Hey, guys," he said hoarsely and stood up, trying to keep a good attitude.  Sam walked over to him immediately and hugged him. Gavin hugged him back and sobbed on his shoulder. Kade came over to me and hugged me as well, shedding many tears. I held onto him tightly.

"They didn't bully me when Gavin was around, Carter. I don't know what to do," Kade whispered into my ear in between sobs. My heart shattered for the poor boy yet again. I had always thought that he was somewhat popular. Was that just the people he hung out with, though?

"What am I going to do?" he whispered again. "I love Gavin so so so much."

"Kade, no one is going to lay a finger on you as long as you stick with Jet, Emma, and Sam. Don't let anyone stop you from being who you want to be. And if anyone messes with you while I'm still here, the least I will do to them is break one of their bones," I whispered back to him. Little did he know that I wasn't kidding.

Kade nodded and pulled away, giving me a small, broken smile.

I saw that Gavin and Sam had pulled away from each other. Kade noticed too, and ran into Gavin, hugging him tightly and kissing him fiercely. When he pulled away, Kade kept on telling him 'I love you' over and over again, as Gavin smiled and kissed his nose.

The scene was broken up when Emma and Jet walked in. There were smiles and hugs all around and everyone let at least one tear escape. We then sat all around the room; Kade leaning up against Gavin on the bed, Sam and me sitting next to each other on the floor to the right of them, and Jet and Emma doing the same but to the left of them. We all shared old stories, and we laughed and cried, along with realizing that school wouldn't be as fun or interesting without Gavin. I thought of Kade, who was going to be bullied and hurt without him; who needed others to protect him from the horrible kids who would ruin him. It pained me to imagine Kade, sweet Kade, with a bloody nose and a busted lip.

Kade's mom came into the room after a while and told Gavin that his uncles where here. Kade broke down and Gavin hugged him and started crying as well. Sam shed a few tears too, and Jemma and I shared sad looks.

Soon enough, we were outside, Gavin's two uncles waiting by the car in the road and Gavin saying his goodbyes. He hugged Jet, then Emma, then Sam, saying something that made Sam nod grimly, and then he came and hugged me.

"Carter, please don't let anyone touch Kade. Please," he whispered to me, worried and frantic.

"If anyone lays a finger on him, they should expect nothing less than a broken bone," I replied back, telling him the same thing I told Kade. Gavin nodded and hugged me tight one more time before pulling away and going over to Kade.

Gavin picked Kade up and Kade wrapped his legs around his waist. They kissed and smiled sadly and cried. Gavin's eyes were red and puffy and Kade's cheeks were moist with salty tears. Gavin whispered something to Kade one last time before kissing him on his nose (earning a sad giggle) and setting him down.

Gavin reluctantly grabbed his last bag and went over to his uncles, who were patiently waiting for him by the car. They exchanged some hugs and greetings before loading Gavin's last bag into the car and climbing in. Gavin was going as slow as he possibly could, obviously not wanting to leave, but not having anywhere else to go, either.

He waved to us and blew kisses to Kade as the door to the back of the car slammed shut. The engine roared to life, and in a matter of seconds, Gavin was gone, along with Kade's composure. He fell onto the wet, cold grass, sobbing and holding his head in his small hands. His black, longish hair fell over his eyes and his small stature seemed as if it was broken down. Emma, with her usually uplifting smile now gone, went to comfort him immediately with Jet at her heals. Sam started crying as well. Gavin was his best friend, and by the looks of it, his only friend that stayed with him through everything. Sam hugged me gently and sobbed on my shoulder, his tears getting on my neck and his shoulders bouncing with every sob. I shed a few tears in the midst of everything, myself.

Gavin was gone, Kade was a mess just like the rest of us, Sam was soon going to be all alone, and I was going to be gone with the wind in three days.

I feel like this chapter was too short . . .


I get to go to a twenty one pilots concert and a 5 Seconds of Summer concert.

Anybody want to come with? No? Ok, forget that I asked then.

I love you all, I love every word that comes out of your mouth. Unless it's hate. Then please stay quiet if all that you are going to say is hate.


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