The Arkams

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That night, a thunder storm struck hard. The bottom corridor where the others and I were held was especially cold. Curling myself up in my blanket I heard the buzzing sound of the electricity turn off. Startled I got up and saw Ivy walking to the cell door.

"What are you doing ?" I asked

"The electricity shuts off every night for about 10 minutes, when the power goes out all the cell doors unlock. The officers never know, but it gives us time to socialize outside of the cell."

I got up out of my bed and followed Ivy out the door to meet the rest of the criminals down here.

Ivy introduced me to al, of the Arkams one by one. It was really interesting meeting all of the Arkams and knowing their background story. No one back home ever really trusted me, but knowing that these people here are telling me everything they've been through meant a lot to me. Here, I finally felt like I belonged, like I was one of them.

About nine minutes into everything I realized the only Arkahm I haven't met was Joker. I saw his face in the crowd a couple of times but I couldn't get a chance to talk to him.

"Selina, we gotta go. The power is turning back on." Ivy said as she broke off a conversation.

"But I couldn't meet your leader yet." I whined to her.

"You'll have plenty of time for that tomorrow at lunch, but we have to go now, before they catch us."

Grabbing my wrist tightly Ivy dragged me to back to our cell before the power turned on and the door locked again.

Laying back on my bed I curled up in my blanket once again, and thought to myself 'I wonder what happened to him, and why he calls himself the Joker?' After I finished that thought in my head, my eyelids grew heavier and heavier, until all that was left, was black

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