Two Birds of a Feather

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My eyes snapped open at the light sound of footsteps running up and down the hallways of the psychotic ward. I brushed some of my hair out of my eyes and just stared up at the ceiling, 'it's been 4 days' I thought, focusing my eyes to see in the dark. I sat up looking to see if my eyes could make out anything, nothing. Nothing but darkness. I stoop up and waddled around a little bit before I found the sink, where I splashed my face with water. My magic was slowly coming back to me, which was a good thing because I could emit rays of light so I could actually see around this place.

My ears perked and my head snapped to the right of my shoulder when I heard muffled voices. They were, both of them, clearly male. One was a bit higher and softer than the other one, which was usually gruff and low, because that's what all the guards sounded like. It almost as if the other one was smaller in size which made him seem different. With each step they took the voices grew louder and louder towards my direction, and wit each one I was clinging to bars like my life depended on it just to see who this man really was. I could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer and my hands grips were getting tighter and tighter and I was sticking my head through the bars as much as I could.

"And whatta think your doing there miss," Griggs. Fuck. He stepped out infront of my cell so swift and quickly that I barely had time to process, and I fell flat on my ass. Asshole, I thought. "I see your trying to listen to our little conversation with our little penguin here, miss Shadows. Any specific reason for that?" Griggs has been sexually harassing me for forever. Ever since my first appearance at Arkham, hes been up my ass trying to get me to sleep with him, Jesus.

My focusing on the light of Griggs' flashlight, I could see the man I was so interested in seeing. He was no taller than Griggs' shoulder and had black, hair that was pretty much everywhere. His nose was arched and crooked, and he seemed to have something wrong with in of his legs, because his leaning said it all. He had black, blue and purple bruises all over his face, he looked like he was straight out of a blender. What Griggs said was true for once, he did look like a penguin when he walked, but I'm not one to make fun of that.

"Hey, Selina," my head snapped back to his attention, and a smirk rode up to his face as he finally had my undivided attention. His eyes were hooded as he looked down at me and the few clothes I was actually allowed to wear in this place. His eyes ghosted over my body twice, and then came back to my face, smirking as if he got the best idea in his life. I stared him straight in the eye, he didn't budge. I slowly got up from my now hurt butt thanks to him, and sauntered over to the bars as slowly as possible. The small man behind Griggs got big eyes when he realized what I was doing. Smart man, I must say. I wrapped my hands around the bars as slowly as possible and then slid them down the bars at hip height. This whole time I never broke eye contact and neither did he, a smirk rose to my lips and he broke off eye contact immediately. I laughed, oh what I did to him.

The smaller man clearly impressed gave me a sly smirk and looked me straight in the eye, as they gleamed with hope of a new beginning. He stepped out in front of Griggs with a small hop of his legs and swiftly stuck out his hand. I looked down at it for a second and he wiggled his fingers, as a signal. I stepped back one step from the bars and elongated my own hand to meet his. Our hands were like fire and ice meeting for the same time, like a spark of fire in our souls created new life. I felt my magic running in my veins, now stronger. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Oswald. Oswald Cobblepot."

"Selina Shadows."

Griggs looked at us and growled, "alrighty you two. Break it up. Come on Penguin, let's get you to your cell."

At that moment everything was clear. The man made me find myself again. He lit up my dark soul in search of new hope. Everything is clear now.

I've made a new friend. We were two birds of a feather.

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