The Ritual

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I opened my eyes slowly, smiling, still not believing what happened last night. Sitting up on my mattress I realized everyone was already up and somewhere in this factory. Probably eating breakfast somewhere.

I got up and put on my slippers that I still had from the asylum. Perking my ears I tried to listen to any voices that I might hear to give an indication of where the rest of the gang might be. Hearing noises coming from the west wing I started to walk. On my way, everywhere, was destruction. Everything was either broken, shattered, and if it was lucky only half of it was missing.

I almost tripped while walking down the hall because my black sweatpants got stuck on a metal rod that was sticking out of the wall. My shirt, already ripped up I didn't want to rip these pants too, they were the only clothes I had. Trying to get my pants off the rod I started tugging at them with my hands. The pants weren't budging so I gave it one more big tug and to my surprise they came loose but putting a big rip in them too, 'great' I thought to myself.

I got up off the cold, cement floor and looked down. The pants were officially ruined as well. Whatever, at least the rod didn't impale me, but it impaled my damn pants. Walking down the hallway again, this time I started to watch my step. I got to the end of the hallway where there was a big room and to my surprise everyone was there, huddled in a circle.

"Hey guys."

Everyone turned around and smiled at me, and they started to form two lines, like a narrow hallway? I was confused to the max. No one said anything, they all just looked at me. I started to walk towards them and down the narrow way they formed, at the end was the joker, standing right in front of me. "What's happening?" I asked him

"Well you want to be part of our team don't you? So what we're doing now is your, well, let's call it a ritual. That's how each one of us got here. So, put your hand on this book."

I hesitantly put my hand on the book still confused, but I did it.

"Now Selina, repeat after me. I swear."

"I swear."

"Full loyalty and badness to the Arkahm gang of criminals."

"Full loyalty and badness to the Arkahm gang of criminals."

"Till the moment I die."

"Till the moment I die."

"Congratulations Selina," the Joker grinned "you are now an official member of the Arkahms, but no member is official without this. Some might have it has a tattoo, a badge, maybe even on a shirt, but here is the token of our team."

I smiled and looked at what he was holding, it was a necklace. It was a beautiful one too. It was formed as a circle, the border made of silver skulls, in the middle it was blood red, with and acid blue crescent moon in the middle.

As I let the joker put it around my neck I hear everyone clapping and cheering. I was now the official eighth member of the Arkahms, and it felt damn good.

Joker: The Arkahms (Heath Ledger Joker Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now