Chapter 4

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There comes a time in life when you either lose something or someone important.I lost both.The guilt i felt as i stared at Felix absolutely killed me.His large brown eyes glistened with tears.His face was red and puffy.Yet,I just stood there,Watching the love of my life throw the bouquet of Lilies on the floor and walking away.I was startled by his calm voice,"Did you ever really love me Jessica?"

I stared at him as he walked towards me slowly."Did you?"

"Yes,I really did Felix"

Felix let out a heavy sigh followed by a laugh."You are a terrible person,Jessica.There is a special place in hell with your name on it"

I blinked back tears."You don't mean that ,Felix".

He looked at Oscar then back at me."just like how you didn't mean to cheat"

I knew I messed up,and I thought I could fix it.I was wrong. Felix hated me and I couldn't change that.

"I-I'm sorry,Felix,I never--"

Felix waved his hand in dismissal."Save your tears and pathetic excuses for the reality show.They're worth more to them than to me."

"And you"He pointed to Oscar"You heartless bastard".

Oscar smirked at his friend and ran his fingers through his hair."its not my fault your girlfriend is an unfaithful whore"

I looked at Oscar with anger."I AM NOT A WHORE!!!!!!"

Oscar grinned,"yeah and i'm not blonde"

He had turned back towards Felix,only to be punched square in the jaw. Oscars lifeless body fell to the ground and his cries could be heard all over the place.I watched in fear as Felix wiped his bloody knuckles on his blue shirt."IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW PISSED OFF I AM AT HER,BUT YOU NEVER CALL HER A WHORE"

Oscar continued crying as he cradled his face."Whatever man"

And without a word,felix walked away from me and away from us.

~Next day~

After last Nights events,Oscar and I returned home.When we had gotten back,Omar,Olly and katia were on the couch waiting for an explanation.I looked around for a trace of Felix or any of his belongings.I found Nothing.Apparently He didn't come back last night and everyone was worried sick.They eventually had to call the police since he wasn't answering his phone either. Since then Oscar and I weren't on speaking terms.we both avoided each other. Katia was the most stressed out of all of us.She was responsible for all of us.The dread on her face when we told her what happened that night killed me.Both Olly and Omar are angry at me as well.It got to the point where no one even acknowledges my presence anymore.two weeks passed,and they still couldn't find Felix.the tension and stress in the house was too much to bear,so I left.I found an apartment outside L.A. and have been living there for almost two years now.Its been a tough two years in all honesty but i managed.The funny thing is,I've moved on.Even made new friends in this new life.I believed i was in a better place now.Well......until I get a disturbing phone call in the middle of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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