Chapter 1: Can't Remember Anything...

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Chapter 1

Can’t Remember Anything...

I heard the wind rush through the tops of the high trees above me. I lay on my stomach on the cold dirt. I was in pain and I couldn’t move. It was pitch black and I couldn’t remember a thing. Where was I. Who was I. This can’t be good.

“You must find...” A male’s voice whispered into my ear. I struggled to listen as I fell into a deep sleep at the same time. “You must find the time traveller to find me before this disaster happens. Worn me and we’ll run away together... sister.”

“Wha...” I managed to say barely opening my mouth. As I breathed in heavily, some cold dirt went into my mouth. I smelt the burning of wood in the air and I fell asleep. When will I wake up, I wondered, or better yet, will I ever wake up?


I awoke to noisy birds whistling and walking on crackling leaves around me. “Pidgey!” they cried and I struggled to open my eyes.

“Argh...” I gasped and I rolled over. I looked up and saw the beautiful forestry tree tops above me. I felt someone prick one of my hairs on the top of my head.

“Ow, son of a...” I cried turning to look who and what it was. A brown and white bird stood in front of me. It had a strip of my hair in its beak. It tilted its head to the side a bit and looked me in the eyes.

“What are you?” I said pushing myself up off the ground. The bird noticed how big I was when I got up and it flew to a nearby tree branch.

“PIDGEY!” It cried and another dozen came flying over to that same tree branch to join the first one. 

“Wow. So many.” I said rubbing my head. I had a massive headache and I felt like falling back to sleep.

“Pidgey...” They all said to one another, and then glanced back down at me.

“Who are you? You are not ordinary birds are you?” I asked hoping for English other than the word ‘Pidgey’ again from them.

“Pidgey?” They looked at me with a weird expression.

“I get it. You guys are called ‘Pidgey’s’ that’s why you say your name. Okay.” I said nodding my head.

“Pidgey!” They cheered happily. I liked these birds. They seemed nice.

“Okay! I gotta go though. Although... where do I gotta go to? I have no idea where I am... or even who I am! Who am I?” I asked myself patting my head trying to remember. Nothing came to my mind, except that voice I heard last night. The voice wants me to find a time traveller of some description, I thought scratching my head.

“Okay, everyone I’m off to find a time traveller! Wish me luck!” I called out to the Pidgey’s. They all nodded with agreement and watched as I headed North through the forest I found myself in.

“Let’s see,” I said walking straight ahead. “Where am I now?”

I came to a burnt down house and I saw a vision. Was it my own? I had no clue. The vision showed a boy pulling an arm through a house which was on fire.

“We must go!” Called a male voice to the arm. I assumed it was my own arm. Was this part of my memory? It was the same male voice from last night too. He was a young, maybe sixteen or seventeen year old, boy with light, brown hair and a nice side fringe. He wore a blue top with black jeans. He had a belt with a lot of round red and white balls attached to it. What were they? I thought still watching the vision.

He was pulling through a hallway until a whole bunch of wood fell in front of the door he was heading toward.

“NO!” He cried. “Mum, DAD! Can you hear me?” He called again nearly placing his head against the fiery wood.

Where and Who am I? A Pokemon Story {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now