2 | Night One

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Harry's POV:

Usually in books there's always—well majority of the time— an older overprotective brother to the main character. Over means passing limits in other words, if we're exaggerating. My lovely sister claims I am an ass. Why? I don't even know! The only thing I did was wishing her a good date when the guy came and picked her up, and she almost killed me when she came back. I will never understand.


Anyways, the reason she was mad—from what I have understood— was because apparently she didn't want to go out with him, and used me as an excuse saying I was her boyfriend, and I practically ruined the whole plan.

But, she can't blame me! How was I supposed to know? I'm not a damn futureteller.

"Why can't you just be more. . . angry?"

"Angry?" Furrowing my eyebrows, I take my focus off the TV in front of me, and dodge my eyes to my older sister.

"Yeah," Her head shakes positively. "You're always—and I mean always—smiling."

People these days aren't really used to someone smiling just because they want to, there's always a reason, and well I couldn't agree more. The reason why my life is awesome—I wouldn't say perfect because there is no such thing as that, but I believe it's something really close to it— is because I've always had everything I ever wanted. I have the most amazing friends, I have a great family, and just a wondeful, peaceful life. Getting everything I wish for isn't that hard, because my family's rich. Not dead ass rich, but we're okay.

"Why, sorry sis, but it's called being nice and happy."

"It's called being annoying." She growls, rolling her eyes, then buries her head in one of the couch's pillows. I just chuckle at her, because sometimes I really don't get what's going on, in that mind of her's.

Gemma continues to rant about how rude and insolent the guy was with her, telling her women don't pay the bills, also practically dragged her out—against her will—to this date in the first place, was what pissed her more. Quoting Gemma, he is a douche who lacks sense of humor, and needs someone to put him in his place.

"I don't get it," I frown. "If this guy is so. . .bad, why didn't you just say no?"

She scoffs. "Don't you think I tried to?"

Lifting my hands in defense because of her, I can't help but laugh at this.

Gemma has always been independent, just like my dad, I guess she's the one who got to look like him, while I look like my mother. My mom is smiley—just like Gemma said. Her niceness can fade any frown. It's impossible to be mad around her.

I'm really glad she found someone after what happened with my father, it was heartbreaking, nobody likes to see what brought you to life fall apart, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Robin is a really nice guy, he loves my mom and that's all I could ask for.

I've made many friends, people that I know I can count on, during these years. Louis' my best friend, his personality kind of matches mine. Maybe that's why we get along so well.

I also have Liam and Niall, whome I met four years ago, while I know Louis for ten years now. But I don't believe times like these make friendships to work.

Moments do.

Moments demonstrate loyalty and honesty.


I can't sleep.

I've been swinging, rolling, and tossing in my bed, trying to find a position to finally go to dreamland, for the past two hours. I just can't. They say when you can't sleep it's because someone is dreaming about you, well it's better for this person to wake up now. I need to sleep.

Growling, I get out of my bed, knowing it's going to take a little while until I can actually close my eyes, and let my thoughts to die. Rubbing my eyes, I yawn heading downstairs so I could drink a glass of water or something to help me sleep.

Just taking a sip of water I realize only water won't help me out with my insomnia, I'm full wide awake. There's no way I'm falling asleep any time soon. I sigh, leaning my head against the wall expecting to at least relax a bit.

I open my eyes slowly after some time, still not feeling sleepy in any way. My first sight is the following houses outside, and practically the empty road. Feeling the urge for fresh air, I glance at my surroundings, and then head towards the door. Careful to not wake up anyone, I unlock the door then open it and get out.

I live in a huge mansion, but I still can see at least five following houses. My neighborhood is full, making it hard to know everyone.

I decide to take a walk, and then maybe I'll be able to finally lay my head on a soft pillow and drift to dreamland.


Faith's POV:

I guess normal people who are depressed, enjoy sleeping because it kills time, it shuts down your mind, and especially because it's a free sample of death. That's what people think, right? They immediately associate depression with suicide. Well, they're dead wrong.

Just because I hate my life, it doesn't mean I want to end it.

Instead, I want to get better. I want to smile without being forced, and I want to hang out with some friends, and chat about nonsense things.

Of course, Grandma is a great company. Sometimes she even behaves like a teenager more than me, but I'd like to have someone rather then her to talk to. Someone my age.

I sigh, knowing nobody wants to talk to me.

That's why I'm here now, 2 a.m. on my rooftop, staring at the moon, drawing my surroundings, completely alone just because I couldn't sleep.

The fresh air hits my face, making my hair to cover my face.

I take my elastic band to tie it, but it slips before I get a grip on it. I stand straight, on my tip toes. Being careful not to fall, I try to reach it, but as I'm about to get it, someone grabs my waist.

I let out a muffled scream at the sudden movement, as my heartbeat escalates to an unhealthy pace.

I watch as the elastic band falls to the ground.


I pant, horrified by the sudden action, turning around to the person who grabbed me.

Wild curly hair, dark eyes, round face.

"What the hell are you doing?!" My eyes burn holes into his face. I may sound rude but hey! This guy almost made me break my neck. "What are you doing on my rooftop?!"

"I just saved your life!" The boy—who looks my age or older— replies loudly.

I scoff. What the hell? He almost killed me!

"No! You almost killed me, by scaring the hell out of me." Did he think I was going to jump or something?

Maybe he knows me from somewhere, and heard rumors about me, so I assume he thought I was going to jump.

Realization seems to hit him. "I-I—"

"Just get off my rooftop and leave, yeah?" Without giving him time to answer, I mentally roll my eyes at him, stuffing my drawing tools inside my bag, and hang it on my back.

Passing past him, I glance one last time back at him. "Try not to kill someone while I'm gone."


Here's chapter two lovelies!! Hope you're enjoying so far.

Please, tell me what you think!

All the love—H

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