8 | Night Three

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Faith's POV :

I groan in frustration. "Ugh. I said I'm sorry like eight times!"

Zayn ignores me again, by dodging his glare to the lockers facing him.

"I was under pressure, I didn't mean to sit with them!" I exclaim, still apologizing to Zayn for ditching him, and sitting with Harry and his popular friends over lunch yesterday. "It won't happen again, I promise." I whine, pulling a pout.

Zayn finally sighs, meeting my eyes. "Fine,"

A grin immediately overpowers my previous pout, pulling my fist in the air. Zayn chuckles humorously, bump-fisting me.

I don't usually apologize to anyone, but Zayn's my only friend here, and I really don't want to lose this friendship we have over some silly ditch with popular people, that probably won't happen again.

"I thought Harry Styles was on the Not-To-Interact-With list, why're you talking to him?" Zayn asks, as we walk side by side, down the hall.

My brows furrow together, as I slowly shrug my shoulders. "I. . . Don't know what got into me. It was nothing, really. He's in my Art class. We barely talk." I lie. Well, half lie. I've known Harry before I got into the school, since he climbed up my rooftop to 'save' me, and we agreed to start over fresh. But, Zayn doesn't have to know that.

Zayn nods at that, deciding on letting go of the subject. Zayn stops in front of his class , ready to go in, but I stop him.

"Are they together?" I wonder, waiting for Zayn to answer me.

His eyes follow mine to the left corner, where Danielle (from Harry's group) and another guy that I forgot his name, who's also from Harry's group—stand closely next to each other chatting with big smiles on their faces.

"Ah." Zayn acknowledges them. "Danielle Campbell and Louis Tomlinson. The bad-vibe couple of the school. Yeah, they are."

"Bad-vibe?" I ask, in confusion.

He hums. "They like. . . get drunk together, do drugs, and stuff like that. . . So, they're bad. . .together."


Zayn goes to turn around, but I stop him once again.

"So they're on the Not-To-Interact-With list, too?"

Zayn laughs halfheartedly, "I'm late to class, Faith. See you!"

I sigh while turning around, continuing to walk down the hall to get to my Art class.


"Hey," Harry whispers again, throwing a tiny paper at me for the third time.

I grit my jaw in annoyance, snapping. "What?"

A grin designs his full lips when I finally turn to look at him, putting down my painting brush.

He keeps on talking lowly. "There's a party tonight, to welcome the new students, and greet the return of the old ones. We do it every year. I think you should come."

My eyebrows meet together in confusion. "You think I should come?" I repeat his last sentence.

Why would he want me to come?

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