6 | Night Two

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Faith's POV:

"Grandma, I'm home!" The seconds that Grandma takes to get to the front door are not surprising. I chuckle at her, slipping off my shoes, while waiting for her to bombard me with questions.

"How was your first day?" She follows me to the kitchen. "Did you make any new friends? I've made some pasta if you're hung—"

"Wow. Don't I get a Hi first?" I wiggle my eyebrows teasingly, as I gulp down a glass of cold water.

She rolls her eyes, causing me to laugh at her anxiety.

"Hi Faith. Now, spill it." Deciding to torture her a little further, I sigh deeply while passing past her. I slip through the open doors of the balcony, sitting on the chair. Grandma looks at me with expectation in her eyes, waiting not so patiently for my answer.

Finally tired of her narrowing eyes, I tell her. "Um, definitely better than my expectations. It turned out that the boy from yesterday—Zayn, goes to the school as well. And No, I don't want to eat for the rest of the day, thank you very much." My Grandma's expression doesn't change. I guess because she's focused more on the 'My-granddaughter-finally-has-a-social-life' rather than what I said about eating.

"Zayn, huh? I ship it!"

I huff, smiling. "Do you even know what shipping means?"

Dramatically, she places her hand on her chest as if I just offended her.

My Grandma tends to be a big drama queen. I bet she was all bubbly, and smiley in her childhood, the complete opposite of me. She has been that girl that everyone seemed to love and envy, always smiling, being kind and funny.

"Whatever, Zaith."

I roll my eyes playfully, until I realize what she just said.

"What?!" Not that Zayn isn't an attractive guy, he is. Maybe I'm even crushing over him a little. But, believe me I don't think of him as something more than a friend. Wait, are we even friends? We met today, for God's sake, I don't think he considers me his friend.

I'm sure he wouldn't date me anyways. I am too skinny, too grumpy, too sarcastic, too sassy, too not-enough.

"Something wrong, sweetheart?" She blinks innocently, like she has done nothing wrong.

"Do you want me to tell you about my day or plan my wedding?"

"Sure, sure, love. Tell me about your day."

And I did. I told her everything. How the teachers were actually really nice with me, how Zayn was great to me, and about William too ; she shipped us—Waith. I guess she wants to pair me with any guy that appears, which is honestly awful. I told her everything, leaving out about Harry, and my little vomit incident. I just told her I felt bad.


Huffing in frustration, I place the end of the pen between my teeth, forcing my mind to think of this Mathematical problem.

Ten minutes later, I groan while pushing my notebook away, and falling back on my comfy bed.

I give up on Math.

Staring up at the ceiling, my mind wanders back to earlier today. Images of me hitting Harry on his arm flash inside my head, making me laugh softly to myself. Then, Zayn's words about him, make me frown.

Zayn said that everyone treats Harry like a king. That he's a show off, and treats girls like shit. That he's a player. Zayn did say that they were very good friends, but after Harry got popular, they stopped talking. That's an awful thing to do. I mean, you should never forget who you were. You should never forget where you belong. I haven't seen anything of what Zayn said yet, and I don't want to. Personally, I don't think Harry's completely like that. Maybe Zayn's right or wrong, who knows. You can't judge a book by its cover, right?

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