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Back at the boardwalk safe, or were we? What if it followed us? I sat panting on the bench, Violet pulled out an inhaler, we didn't stop running. Everything was a blur around me, the only thing i could focus on were my thoughts.
"What just happened?" I squeaked out. This was the first time we'd spoke since leaving the cave.
"Dude, there was someone there" she said shakily. "I caught it on tape!"
We watched the footage over, you could see it, it stood in the shadows, watching, there! It moved! We were right. It must have been watching us that whole time, I was completely rattled, I don't want any ghosts or ghouls following me around.
I checked the time, 9 o'clock.
"Damn it, it's time for my shift" I said cursing.
"How can you even think about work after that" Violet nervously laughed.
"I don't know, maybe it will let me clear my head" I said so confused. "I'll see you later."
I watched her cautiously walk away toward home, I however had to go to the 24 hour diner do my shift, I was petrified, at least I won't be alone. I entered the diner and saw four boys sat spread across a table. I noticed them staring at me, I rushed to the back to put on my shirt. I inhaled deeply, I walked back out to the front and stood behind the counter. All four boys stood up and approached me, I felt slightly intimidated but I've dealt with the surf nazis so I can certainly deal with these.
"Might I say that's a lovely perfume you're wearing" the platinum blonde smirked. "I feel like I've smelt it before"
The others chuckled slightly.
"Well, I'll have a... Strawberry blitz and you guys?"
"Cranberry creme"
"Banana and strawberry whirl"
"Well I'll just have you if that's alright" the messy blonde winked. I rolled my eyes and turned to do the others orders.
"So, what are you guys members of the surf nazis?" I said grabbing 3 glasses. They all burst out laughing. "Something funny?"
"Sweetheart, I am insulted" the platinum blonde said, he seems to be in charge. I pulled the leaver to squirt ice cream into each glass before returning to the boys.
"Ever visited the cave by Hudson's bluff?" He asked, I heard sniggers coming from the others. My heart dropped in an instant, they could probably hear it from here.
"Maybe why?" I said.
"You should go there with us, we'll show you what's lurking in the shadows" he laughed. I widened my eyes, it must have been him watching me, did they follow me here? I started to panic, I didn't know what to do, my breathing became heavy.
"Don't be afraid princess, we don't bite... Unless you want us to" he continued laughing. I turned around and scowled at him, these boys are vulgar.
"Why were you watching me" I asked my voice sounding shaky.
"You entered my home" he said.
"What do you want" I asked, I was still breathing so heavy, I wanted to be home, safe.
"Some entertainment" he said, everyone was now staring at me intensely. I hadn't even noticed that the machine was still pouring out ice cream, it had spread all over the counter top, I quickly turned it off and immediately looked for paper towels.
"Let me help" the smaller blonde one said jumping over the counter and helping me sop up the icy mess. I looked at him and he smiled.
"Marko, let's leave the young lady before we cause anymore trouble, see you soon" the platinum blonde smirked walking out the store followed by the brunette and messy blonde.
"Until another day" Marko smiled at me, I politely nodded and he followed the rest of them.
As soon as they had gone I dropped to the floor and hunched over my knees, defrosted ice cream dripped onto the floor and I sighed, I was not cleaning that up after today. A co-worker came down from upstairs and rush to my aid.
"Amelia are you okay?" They asked worried.
"I need to go home Charley, I'm sorry about the mess" I sighed.
"No don't you worry, get yourself home"  he pulled me up and patted my back. I pulled off my work shirt and walked out.
The night air was cold and the colourful Santa Carla night was in full swing, I could smell all the fast food from the stands near by, and hear the screaming from people's thrills from the rides, although this night seemed radical, I also knew it wasn't safe to be alone at this time. I powered through the night as I tried to relax against the cool breeze, walking down the dusty road that lead to my house, at night it seemed like something from a horror movie, like someone was going to walk out from behind a tree and chase me till I fall. My house was in sight, the lights were still on which meant my parents were still awake. I strolled up our long drive and reached the large white door, stepping inside melted my soul, the warmth felt comforting against my skin and I felt a sense of being wrapped up in safety.
I peered into the living room, my mother and father sat cuddling watching comedies, I smiled and sat in the large chair.
"Oh Amelia dear, you look unwell" my mother said sitting up slowly.
"Just a long day is all" I said as I curled up in the chair. My mother stood up and softly stroked my hair before entering the kitchen. My father sat sipping his tea and watching me as a guardian.
I felt myself falling deeper and deeper as my eyes glued shut, my body melted away and I was in bliss.
No, why am I back in the cave, where is Violet, I could hear ear piercing scratching against the walls of the hallway, it gained nearer but I was frozen, I pushed so hard but my feet didn't even flinch. I saw glowing orange eyes appear in the darkness, staring into mine, a deep booming laugh filled the cave, I tried to scream but nothing came out, I tried to breath but there was no air, the walls began to close in, I wanted out, I wanted out!
"Amelia, wake up" my eyes shot open to my concerned parents above me, I looked around, I was in my room.
"What happened?" I asked with a grazed voice.
"You were screaming, frightened up half to death" my father said sitting at the side of me.
"What time is it?" I asked still in a daze.
"3am" my mother said. "Sweety it was a bad dream, do you want to go back to sleep?"
I didn't really know what was going on anymore, I was still so desperately tired, I could feel myself drifting away again as my entire body grew heavy and I sank away to the world of make believe.

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