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Why did these feelings of curiosity flush through my body? Why was I doing a complete 180 to how I was feeling before? These boys had followed me from work, frightened me half to death, so why did I feel like none of that mattered. I heard voices in my head repeating the words 'do it' and they seemed so real.
"Well?" David asked with that grin still plastered on his face.
I had forgotten about reality as I was lost in my own mind, the main thing I couldn't understand was the soothing feeling that washed over me.
"Sure" Violet said answering for me, my eyes flicker to hers, she was completely calm, not a trail of concern could be seen.
"Alright" David's constant smirk said luring her toward his bike. He helped her onto the back and she gripped him tightly.
"Come on pretty lady" Marko said holding out a hand for me to latch onto. I took in a deep breath and reached out toward him. His leather glove squeezed my hand as he helped secure myself.
The engines roared and we shot down the road, cool air whipped my skin and we gained speed before dropping on to the beach, the boys cheered as they weaved past one another, David was in the lead followed by the rest of us. I felt exhilarated, I'd never ridden a motorcycle before since id always thought it was so dangerous, now look at me, riding a motorcycle with complete strangers.
We whizzed into the Forrest, trees and branches so nearly tackling us as we bounced and swayed over the bumpy ground. I gripped Marko so tightly and I felt a deep chuckle ripple through his stomach. The night sky seeped through the trees and flickered as we drove by, the boys hollering grew quiet as we exited the Forrest, we were close to the cave now.

The boys came to a holt at the top of the staircase, me and Violet clambered off the bikes before they went to hide them. We stood looking at one another as we approached the top of these decrepit stairs once again. The waves pounded against the cliff face, roaring with every blow. Marko returned first, greeting me with a hand slightly pushing against my back, he lead me away from Violet and down the steps.
"Don't be scared." I heard Marko whisper behind me, I felt his breath on the back of my neck, tickling all the way down my spine.

We entered into the darkness of the cave, I couldn't see where I was going until I turned a corner to see a dim light, I followed in pursuit, I saw the lobby once again, I looked to that corridor which gave me those dreaded chills.
"Come with me." Marko said gently walking by and grabbing my hand, he led me towards the dark. The air suddenly felt thicker to breath as we gained nearer and I felt a little queasy. He must have been able to tell since his grip tightened in a comforting manner, we there were doors all the way down the corridor, he opened one and immediately what I saw was so exotic. Large green plants and tapestry hung everywhere, a large bed stood in the middle, then I noticed a sewing machine in the back corner and smiled a little at the thought of him working away at his jacket. I parked myself on the corner of the large bed and gawped in awe.
"You like it?" He asked chuckling a little.
"It's lovely" I noticed some sliding doors that lead to a balcony, thick black curtains hung either side.
"Want to take a look?" He asked, I stood and wandered over, he slid open the door revealing ridged cave walls and an opening between the rock, the moon shone brightly through the space above which highlighted and contoured the cave.
"You're not like them are you." I said gazing up at the light.
"What do you mean?" He asked, shifting awkwardly.
"You're sweet, different I don't know" I chuckled. Marko walked up close behind me gazing up too. I could tell that Marko was more delicate than the rest, his persona was clear to me.
Marko and I sat on his bed talking for such a long time, I'd completely forgotten about Violet. If the other boys were even an inkling of sweetness Marko was I knew she'd be fine. Marko had told me crazy stories that him and his brothers had been through and it was obvious they were a reckless care free bunch, he gleamed talking about the good times he's had, but I had noticed he was more collected and quiet around the others.

Marko pulled me up off the bed and we wandered back down the halls to reach the others again. Everyone was sat, Violet was drinking from a dazzling bottle. I worry for her, she was so reckless. They all smiled at us, David was in a wheelchair, a dirty smirk plastered across his face.
"Aurora, you're friend here is quite the party animal" he chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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