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I opened my eyes to the scorching sun again, it was already 1pm, how have I slept so long? I laid wondering about yesterday, if it was him watching me, why was he hiding in the darkness and what did he want by visiting me at work? All I could think is why. I wonder how Violet is feeling today, I have to tell her about what happened at the diner.
I got up and ran there was no time to get ready, I was out the door and pounding down the street in my bare feet, luckily Violet lived a few doors down. I hammered on the door and heard that grouchy voice say "alright, alright."
The door opened and I walked straight in.
"Vi you're not going to believe what happened last night" I said frantically.
"What what?" She said anticipated.
"I know what was in the cave, who, who was in they cave!" I said.
"How?" She asked quickly.
"They followed us, they were at the diner!" I cried.
"They followed us? That's so creepy, what if they start stalking you" she said.
"Don't say that! They could be serial killers! Way to make me more paranoid" I said huffing and puffing, we laughed over the situation, better to laugh than stay nervous.
"If we go to the boardwalk you think you could point them out?" She asked.
"Yeah why?" I said.
"Then let's go, you go get ready and meet me back here" she said hastily.
"Is that a good idea?" I asked.
"Probably not but come on" she smirked. I rolled my eyes and walked out the door.
I slowly walked down the road brushing past the trees, I wasn't sure about this but what could happen during the day in front of everyone.

I met back up with Violet to return back to the boardwalk. There was a cool summer breeze which was delightful since it was 30 degrees Celsius. The boardwalk was 30 minutes away which grew tiresome, especially in this weather. I enjoyed the sun so much, it makes me feel so alive, I liked the warmth on my skin and the exotic appearance it gave the land.
Finally reaching the boardwalk, it was a quieter day in Santa Carla. The waves gently rolled onto the shore, everyone around was so relaxed apart from the rowdy children splashing around in the ocean or begging their parents for candy. I leaned against the railing looking out the see, imagining what it would be like to go sailing, I'd always been afraid of the water, and what was lurking within in.
"Can you see them?" Violet asked brining me out of my fantasy.
"Oh uh, no" I said scanning the area.
"We'll find them eventually" she said. "Come on"
She walked further into the boardwalk, she was heading for the comic shop again. The shop was old with shelves filled with an array of comic books, the two boys were on opposite sides of the store organising the shelves into order.
"Frogs" she shouted walking in.
"Violet" they said in unison.
"Still wasting your time organising this place" she laughed.
"Needs to be done" Edgar grunted.
"Well, I'm sure you know Amelia" she said pointing to me.
"I've seen her around" Alan said looking me up and down.
"We're looking for some boys, have you seen them around?" She asked.
"What do they look like" Alan asked, Violet looked to me.
"There's four of them, three blonde, a brunette-" I said being interrupted.
"Act like they run the place, got that grungy look down to a T" Edgar said coldly.
"Something like that" I said.
"You shouldn't be looking for them, they're no good" he grunted seriously.
"We just want to see what they're about" Violet said.
"They're dangerous vi." Alan said.
"We're planning on scoping them out from a distance stop worrying" Violet said laughing, she pulled me out of the shop to more the negativity.
Daylight was fading quickly, I watched as the sun sank away into to ocean, now was time the freaks came out. I stayed leaning on the railing for earlier, Violet plonked on to the bench next me scoping out the passers by in hopes of spotting the troublesome teens. I noticed some floaters igniting a bonfire on the beach, they all sat around, the group of kids ranged from around 10-17 years old. I could hear the roaring of engines behind me being revved, I turned my head slight to see them, I quickly turned back and tightly closed my eyes, I inhaled deeply before whispering.
"Vi, it's them" I said not looking at her.
"They're pretty hot" she chuckled slightly.
"I know, it makes it so much worse" I said with a whiny voice. I turned around, watching them as they watched back. "We should walk away and see if they follow"
We up and left like that, we quickly passed through the crowds toward a donut stand, the smell was Devine and the temptation too much, I had to buy some. I began to stuff one into my mouth walking into someone.
"I'm so sorry" I said with a mouthful, looking up a see Marko, one of them from the diner.
"Nice to see you again" he smirked, he stepped around my and purchased some donut too. "My weakness."
Me and Violet stayed quiet for a moment.
"So uh... I'm sorry about yesterday, hope your boss wasn't mad" he said.
"No, they uh didn't mind" I said, I look to Violet, she was slightly smirking.
"David can be very, invasive" he said, I assumed he meant the one watching me in the cave.
"I get that vibe" I saw, why did Marko seem so different from the others?
"Please let us introduce ourselves properly, you deserve that after the fright we gave you in the cave" he smiled. "Follow me"
He lead us back through the crowds, looking back every so often with a cheeky grin slapped across his face. His jacket was impressive, a lot of time and effort must have gone into creating such a magnificent piece, his long blonde locks trailed down his back, accompanied by a tassel off his shoulder.
As we approached the other three boys I stopped a few feet away while Marko climbed back into his bike. Violet stood examining them properly this time, her eyes narrowing in on every detail.
"So we meet again" David said smirking at me.
"It seems so" I said.
"I'm David. Paul, Dwayne and our dear Marko, of course" he said powerfully. He looked to Violet. "Our camera man?"
"Violet." She said, her eyes fixated on him. David looked to me.
"Amelia." I said.
"Well now that we're formally introduced, why don't we show you the cave properly this time?" David asked, the huge smirk across his face made me nervous, going back there with them could ultimately be the most dangerous I could do at this moment, however something was compelling me to accept the offer.

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