#4 Young Meeting

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Imagine you're young, maybe 9 years old, you're in your room when you hear someone knocking on the door. "Come in" you say, "Hey, today one of my friends is coming over and she's bringing her son" she said, "but mom, what am I going to do with someone I don't know, worse a boy" you started complaining with your mom, "well I don't know, look, you're both kids, I think he's 10 years old, so since you both have similar ages you should find something to do, and please don't let him out, I think my friend told me he's a little bit shy" your mom said trying to convince you to entertain the other kid, "fine" you said not wanting to make your mom angry, that would not end good.
You could hear from your room how your mom's friend was parking her car outside the house, you looked outside the window and saw a blonde kid coming out of the car, you closed the window running fast out of your room to the house's entrance. You saw your mom greeting her friend and child, your mom's friend was wearing a floral dress with a pair of high heels and her hair was a normal size blond, just as his son, the kid was wearing a really formal outfit, a pair of moccasins, elegant gray pants, a blue shirt with a gray vest on top and finally a black bowtie, he had as mentioned blond hair and a cute face structure. Your mom and her friend walked to the kitchen sharing gluten-free food recipes for their kids or something similar, you and the unknown kid walk to the "TV room", as your family calls it, and sit on the couch, "Hi, what is your name" you said trying to be the nicest possible, "Newt" he said shyly, at that moment you could see he was very shy, so you try to get him to talk a little, "so what would you like to do?" you asked him, "whatever you like is fine for me" he said facing the floor, really shy, you thought, I need to do something, "not one of the speakers, right? yeah sometimes I'm really shy too with people I don't know, but trust me, you don't have to conceal yourself with me, that's what makes things fun" you said hoping really bad he would speak more, "do you like videogames?" you asked him, boys like videogames right? you were running out of ideas something needs to work, "yes I do" he said, OMG finally, you thought, "c'mon my dad loves videogames so we have a lot, he lets me play with them so don't worry", he waited for you to put the chosen game in the console, when you finished you gave him one of the controllers and you kept the other one, after a while playing he had dropped all the shyness he had inside, you both were playing a game where you had to kill zombies, "come here, help me!" he screamed at you, "I'm going hang on, don't die" you were both having a really good time with each other, when your moms got in the room, "hey Newt, we have to leave now, it's getting really late" Newt's mom said, "but mom I'm having a really good time and we're in the middle of the game" he said trying to convince her mom not to leave, "sorry, we really have to go, but maybe we can come back another time" she said, "fine" he said pouting, which you thought was really cute and laughed, "bye, see you later Newt, I had a really good time with you today, hope we can repeat it" you said with a really happy face, "bye, I'll miss you, see you later". After he left you went to your room again and noticed it was already 8pm, when had he arrived? you thought, was it 2pm? wow we did spend a lot of time together, he was really cool tho. Then you went to sleep.

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