butterfly kiss

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Naomi sat on her bed, twisting her hands in her lap and trying to breathe as quietly and evenly as possible.

Lauren's presence beside her seemed to bleed into every corner of her small room, her beauty highlighting how messy and dark her bedroom was, and Naomi nearly wanted to chase Lauren out of it again.

She still didn't really know how this had happened. Lauren, beautiful, smooth Lauren, in Naomi's little apartment? It didn't seem to fit, but Naomi wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Lauren had called her and asked if she was home, saying she needed to talk to her. Naomi, of course, had immediately agreed and given Lauren her address. Lauren had arrived a few minutes ago, quiet in a way that unsettled Naomi, and they'd gone to her room.

But now they sat in a heavy silence that seemed to claw at Naomi's throat, strangling every word that tried to make its way out of her mouth.

"I used to make pancakes with my boyfriend all the time," said Lauren suddenly, with a tone of voice that sounded like the sentence had been dragged from some place deep inside her, and she hadn't really known how it would come out.
To Naomi, it came out wistful, and it came out sad.

Naomi's heart hurt for Lauren, and she felt an irrational anger towards this man she didn't even know for making the bright star that was Lauren so... deflated.

"Why 'used'?" asked Naomi carefully, avoiding the piercing gaze of Lauren's now slightly glassy green eyes.
"He... he cheated on me," breathed Lauren quietly, sounding almost surprised, as if she still couldn't word believe it herself just yet.

Naomi felt the simmering rage bubble higher in her chest. She felt angry on Lauren's behalf - someone cheating on you tore your heart apart, and the longer you'd been with them and the more you loved them the worse it was.

"He's a dick." Naomi said firmly, finally letting her own eyes meet Lauren's, noticing the tears clinging to her long eyelashes and letting her gaze return to her eyes, hoping her own conveyed her absolute conviction in her words.
"And he's an idiot too if he'd ever cheat on someone as incredible as you, Lauren."

Lauren's eyes widened, and glowed a little brighter again as her mouth quirked into a small, unsure smile.

"Thank you, Naomi. That... means a lot. But I still miss him a lot, you know?"

Unfortunately, Naomi did know. Her last girlfriend had left her for her friend after they had been together for two years, and it still hurt to think about her sometimes. Her heart had mostly healed, but the cracks where it had broken were still there - and would probably always stay.

"Yes, I do," said Naomi softly.

They sat in a more comfortable silence, just breathing, until Lauren bounced up with her normal energy back.

"Let's make some pancakes together!" Lauren suggested with a grin that showed off her white, unusually sharp teeth.

Naomi smiled at Lauren's return to a being that seemed to exude life from every pore, and pretended not to notice her wiping away a few stray tears as she turned to head towards the kitchen.

As they ate, they talked. They talked, and laughed until they could hardly breathe, and every minute Naomi found herself becoming breathless again and again every time she saw Lauren's eyes scrunch and her body shake as she giggled at something Naomi had said.

Shit, Naomi was in too deep. And Lauren might not even be into girls!

When Lauren glanced at her watch and then jumped up with horror in her eyes at the time, Naomi walked her to the door with an amused smile.

"See you at work tomorrow, Lauren," Naomi said, mentally groaning at the fact that it was Sunday already. Where had the weekend gone?

"Yeah! I'll see you then!" said Lauren with a cheeky grin, and then, to Naomi's utter shock, leant forward and kissed her on the cheek, soft as a butterfly's wings.

She pulled back slightly to look Naomi in the eyes.

Naomi felt herself flush with colour as she stared at Lauren's face, now so close to hers, and was transfixed when Lauren giggled, delicate blush painting her own skin.

"I really enjoyed tonight, Naomi. Thank you for everything," she said, and then she turned, curly hair bouncing as she began to walk down the steps, swaying her hips slightly as she did so.  Naomi watched her go, admiring, until a sudden flash of confidence raced through her veins. The gentle kiss still burning on her skin, she called out after Lauren.


She stopped, turning slightly, and Naomi saw her smile, and the sight of those lips curved upwards gave her the strength to get the next words out.

"Uh... so you said you had a boyfriend, but...? I mean, are you straight?" asked Naomi nervously, congratulating herself on the minimal stuttering, but knowing that her pale skin must be resembling a ripe tomato at this point.

Lauren giggled, turning fully to face Naomi.

"I'm bisexual, Naomi, but being around you... Well, all I can say is that I've never felt less straight."

She winked, seemingly oblivious to Naomi's obvious intake of breath at the brazen flirt, and continued walking, enjoying Naomi's gaze that was undoubtedly fixated on her as she left.

Naomi stared in incredulous shock until Lauren was out of sight, then she sighed happily, feeling a smile lighting up her still burning face.

She touched her cheek where Lauren had kissed her, and closed her eyes, remembering those soft, warm lips against her skin.
What would they feel like against her own? Naomi couldn't help but wonder as she put a finger to her own lips, tracing them, lost in thought.

She headed back inside her apartment, smile still firmly fixed on her face and blush high on her cheekbones.

"I'll never wash my cheek again," she decided, rather foolishly.

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