Chapter 1

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"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable."

Destination: Mars
Date: June 13, 2030

"I want to see the world not just the way people say they see it. I want to experience things that I can say I've done, without having disbelief in me."

"And you say I'm the one who's crazy to explore everything."

Em looked over her shoulder to see her younger sister looking up at the night sky. Even if her sister was the youngest in the family, she was the only one who had a clue of what her future she wanted to be.
"Come on. You have to get ready. Aunt Annie said she would be coming in in about 30 minutes."

"Is it okay if I ask her if in a few months, I could go to Earth with her?"
Em stopped in her tracks. Ever since Sammy had been born, she always wanted to go on Earth. Something about Earth always fascinated Sammy and made her want to start traveling the universe. She would always ask her parents if one day they could visit their family who lived in a place called New York to visit.

"I don't know. Mom is still going to say no."
"But that's so unfair! You got to go to Earth when you were younger. Why can't I go to Earth?"
"Because you always get in trouble for doing crazy things here. Remember the time you almost got naked in that nightclub?"
"That was one time!" Sammy yelled as she followed Em to the kitchen.

"Look. All I'm saying is that I haven't gone to Earth in years. And who knows what it's like there. I hear crazy stuff happens there a lot and Mom just wants to keep us safe." Em looked at Sammy as she hugged her. Sammy was still super young and didn't know about the planets. But she knew that if any opportunity to leave Mars was given to her, she would take it.
The doorbell rang as soon as she started to think about leaving Mars. Em ran to the door and was soon greeted by a familiar face.

Dillon looked at both Em and Sammy and smiled. Dillon had been their neighbor for over a year now, and they had a really good friendship with each other.
"Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that your mail ended up in my mail."
"And you are giving this to me because?" Sammy said as she shot a look at him. Even if they were friends, Sammy could still be really sassy with Dillon.
"I just told you. I got a letter like this too."
Dillon handed Em the letter that he was talking about. He didn't give much context either, which made both of the sisters confused.
"What is this?"
"It's a invitation to something I think. Something with the planets."
Sammy immediately ripped the letter out of Em's hands and started opening it as fast as she could.
"Hey, give it to me, you little-!"
"Look!" Sammy said as she ran back to Em and gave her the letter.

To the parents of Sammy and Emily Faller,

Greetings! In the past year that your daughters have been going to school in our program, we have a major announcement for them. In the next few weeks, we will be inviting your children to join us for a special program that involves traveling and how to help our society. We strongly encourage you to discuss this matter with your kids and respond to us back immediately.

National Society Of Space

And that's when, just maybe, there was hope on how to get off this planet where nothing happens.

"There is another theory, which this states that this has already happened." - Anonymous

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