Chapter 2

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"Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." - Arthur C. Clarke

Destination: Saturn
Date: June 13, 2030

"Why do you want to be the next 3 top interviewers?"
"Well, we think we could bring a fresh take to the channels. We like to talk about stuff that is important to our generation. And since we are all good friends, we think people might find it relatable." Megan said as she looked at the interviewer looking at them.
"I think that with Sterling's personality, my advice and Megan's photography skills, we would make a great company on this channel." Leia said as she lifted her glasses up and handed the application.

This was what they anticipated for months. If they could nail this audition, things would be perfect.

"I know that we may not seem like your guests, since we are still in high school. But we have very high grades and one of us is valedictorian in our class. We are in the same media class and our teacher recommended us to join this."
The interviewer stared at them and sighed. He reached down into the desk and held 3 letters.
"Look, I think you kids are great. You would bring a lot to our channel and you could boost our ratings up. I think you guys are hired."

"YES! Thank you so much!"
Leia said as she jumped up and hugged her friends.
"We really mean it, we won't disappoint you!" Megan smiled.
"But-, I want you to cover a story for a trial. To see if you have what it takes to tell a good story for our viewers."
"What do you mean, I mean-, thank you. We got this. We can tell a good story for our viewers." Sterling said as he got up.
"Here, I want you to take these letters. They will tell you about what your story is and more information about your jobs."
"Thank you." Sterling, Leia, and Megan said as they got up and grabbed the letters, they all walked out.

"Ahh! Can you guys believe this? We're hired! We're going to be on TV! We have a show! This is amazing!" Leia said as she skipped into the other room.
"I know! Our school is going to be so shocked! They doubted us so much that they thought we couldn't nail this. But look at us now. We've got this." Megan said as she opened the door to head outside to the city streets of Saturn.
Saturn was one of the most common places for people who wanted to work in the media, but it took a lot to work in the industry. You had to have talent to get in there.
"But, why a story to prove ourselves? We already got our auditions down. I know we're great, but why do we need a story to prove ourselves." Sterling opened the letters as they all sat down on a bench for the limos to arrive.

Greetings! In the past year that your kids have been going to school in our program, we have a major announcement for them. In the next few weeks, we will be inviting your children to join us for a special program that involves traveling and how to help our society. We strongly encourage you to discuss this matter with your kids and respond to us back immediately.

National Society Of Space

"We've got this. We never back down from a story. And look, we get to go to other planets. What gets better than that?" Megan said as she looked at her phone.
"I don't know still. Sterling has a point. He seemed like he wanted something from us. He didn't seem like he was listening to our ideas, and he looked so similar to someone." Leia said as she got up and started walking around.
"But if he looks similar to someone you know, then-" Sterling said but then Megan looked up into the sky.

"Then, who is he?"

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