Chapter 3

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"Where to now, miss?"
"The only place that never leaves us."
"And where is that?"
"The stars." - Anonymous

Destination: Neptune
Date: June 13, 2030

"I'm so glad you got here on time!" Karina said as she grabbed Zoe and hugged her.
"I know! Thankfully Earth's space planes got me here in a hour. It's crazy how much technology has changed on there." Zoe said as she sat her luggage down. Zoe was from a part of a asteroid but she was visiting Karina for a few weeks. They had been friends for 1 year now, and even though Zoe moved, they always were in contact.
"Right? I mean, people say that they used to have normal cars that just drove on the street, thank god we have flying cars now." Karina said as she checked her phone.

"Hold up. My mom said her plane got stuck somewhere. She said she might not be able to make it."
"What? Where is she?"
"She's on Saturn. Wait, do you think-"
"You want to go on Saturn."
"Well, of course! Who doesn't want to go to Saturn. Every celebrity lives there and-" Zoe said as she skipped around the room.
"Alright! We'll go! Besides, we could use the heat now. Neptune is in it's frozen crisis right now."
Karina picked up her keys and called a cab. In a couple of minutes, Saturn was their destination.

Destination: Mars

"Sammy! We have a emergency!" Em yelled as she ran into the living room.
"What's wrong, your boyfriend needs help?" Sammy said as she got up and looked at her.
"Dillon is not my boyfriend. Aunt Annie said that she's stuck right now. Her plane landed on a different planet and there's been a delay. Mom said we needed to pick her up." 
"No! I don't want to go-, wait. Did you say she's on a different planet?" Sammy ran up to Em and grabbed her keys.

"Yes. She's stuck on Saturn right now. If we can catch a flight right now we can make it on time."
"Wait, what about Dillon!" Sammy pointed at Dillon sitting on the kitchen table on his phone.
"Dillon, do you want to come with us on Saturn? Our aunt is stuck there and she needs our help."
"Obviously! Saturn is crazy rich with celebrities there. Of course I'm going!" Dillon ran up to both Sammy and Em.
"Well, let's go!"
"Finally! I get to leave this hell hole of a place!" Sammy yelled as she cheered outside the door.

Destination: Saturn

"Guys! She's here!" Leia said as she jumped out the limo.
"Dana landed already?" Sterling said as he checked his phone.
"Yeah. Her flight landed 10 minutes ago and she texted me saying that she was at the front gates. Megan, can you call her?"
"Sure!" Megan walked to the corner of the street and started calling Dana.
Dana was one of the reporters who helped Leia, Sterling, and Megan but she lived on Uranus. They had known each other for a few years now, even if they lived in different planets.
"She said she's willing to meet us inside the airport, and that she has a major thing to tell us."
"Well, then, let's go!"
And into the airport, where the most craziest and scariest people were. It was a place where any crazy thing that happened, would never be forgotten.

To All The Planets Aligned Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin