Chapter 4

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"The universe doesn't give you what you ask for, with your thoughts; it gives you what you demand with your actions." - Dr. Steve Maraboli

Destination: Saturn
Date: June 13, 2030

"Do you see her?" Sammy yelled as she pointed to see the planes arriving down.
"No, I can't see her." Em put down the sunglasses and picked up another pair. Saturn's airports had so many shops in them, that they could be a mall sometimes.
"I can't find anything that I really want here. Which is crazy, because everyone I know always wants to come on Saturn." Dillon picked up a shirt and a jacket but quickly put it down.
"I know. I love to buy things, but right now I'm broke. I should probably ask Sammy if she brought any money." Dillon
"Right? Sammy has all her allowance money saved from a few years ago, she could basically buy anything from this whole airport." Em laughed as she put on another pair of sunglasses.
"Hey, Em. Can I talk to you for a minute about something-"
"Emily, Dillon, I'm going to go see if Annie's here. I'll be right bac-"

Suddenly, Sammy ran into a sunglasses holder causing all the sunglasses to fall down. Everyone in the store turned to look at her.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-"
Suddenly, someone ran to the front and saw Sammy.
"Emily! Dillon!"
The man walked up to Sammy and looked at her.

"Dana! You're here!" Megan said as she ran up to Dana.
"Ah, it's so nice to see you guys again!" Dana opened her arms up to hug Megan, and to the others.
"So, how was the ride?" Leia said as she hugged her.
"It was good. I'm still a little jet lagged though, but it was worth it in the end. Now I can stay here for these next few months before I can go back home." Dana lifted up her glasses and started walking with them.
"So, what do you want to do now? Should we shop for awhile? Or should we eat?" Sterling looked at his phone.
"Let's shop for awhile. I heard that they just released-"
Suddenly, in the distance, they could hear loud yelling from a store and cops running in and out of the store.
"Guys. Over there. Now." Leia yelled as she grabbed the camera from Megan's bag.
"What is she doing?" Megan yelled.
"I think we have a story to tell." Sterling whispered to her.

"I absolutely hate airports. They get so crowded and people are yelling and the atmosphere is horrible and-" Karina said as she ran up the stairs to get to the stores.
"I think I get it. You hate the airport. It's okay, I'm the same. The people here are crazy." Zoe laughed as she held the railing.
"I mean, every time you come here you always hear the craziest things ever-"
"Like that?"
Zoe pointed to a store where they could see a group of kids running with a camera, and inside the store was a girl freaking out.
"Should we?"
"We should."

The shop owner yelled as he looked at Sammy.
"No! I just ran into the sunglasses counter and I didn't mean for this to happen and-"
"Come with me!"
"Wait, she didn't do anything!" Em yelled as she grabbed Sammy's hand and tried to pull her back.
"Yeah, she just ran in! We saw her!"
Dillon tried to help Em grab Sammy but caused all 3 of them to fall over.
"Hold up! If she said she didn't steal anything, maybe you should believe her." yelled another girls voice from the side of the store. She looked like if she had blonde hair and if she was wearing sunglasses.
"Trust me. I saw her." The owner yelled back to her.
"No, trust me. Maybe this store should get a better store owner." said another girl in glasses and brown hair, and from what it looked like she was holding, she was with a camera.
Wait. Was she filming this?
"Excuse me, what did you just say!?"
"You heard her. Maybe you should actually stop complaining and making up lies. That's why your store is going out of sale." said a boy this time, who had darker skin and brown hair, they couldn't really make out any of them that well, but they could tell that there was about 4 of them.
"That's it. Call the police on them too." The store owner told all the employees, which pretty much scared them and caused them to run out.
"WHAT? Okay no, we cannot get arrested! We didn't even do anything, we're just standing here speaking about what we believe in." one of the other girls in the group yelled. She had shorter hair and her hair was brown.
Suddenly, 2 other people came running into the store.
"Listen. We know none of you guys but we got to go. Like now. The police are on the way and-"
"And, you are under arrest."

"Screw my entire life."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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