Chapter 1

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Above is Caz Next chapter is a picture of Kenzie

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Above is Caz Next chapter is a picture of Kenzie.

Before we dig into what this book has to offer, I haven't seen any of the purge movies so sorry for being inaccurate. Also, _MrMarvel_ gave me the inspiration for Kenzie And Caz's names. Hope you like the little Easter Egg Casey! XD. Also please support this book, comment, share, and vote. I thought it'd be interesting to write something like this with something I have little to no knowledge on. I hope you guys enjoy, and sorry for the long Authors Note. As always, keep reading my friends.

Caz slammed his fists onto the wooden table in his home, the purge was only two weeks away. He was angered and didn't like the insanity that came with the whole thing.

"Damn this all to hell! Damn it!" He shouted in anger. He stormed over to the fridge and grabbed a Snickers bar, closing it. He unwrapped the little packet and took a huge bite out of it, frustration was the only emotion he could feel at the moment.

The black pit bull, Mountain, the young wedded couple owned stumbled over to Caz, knocking him to the ground and giving the male tons of kisses. The pit bull kept barking at him, demanding love and attention.

Caz started petting him, his anger slowly starting to go down. His nerves started settling. His face grew into a huge smile that millions would fall in love with.
"Ahh shucks Mountain chill. We love you." He said to the dog, who was still on top of him.

"Happy now reptile?" A voice said.

"Would you quit calling me that? Geeze, I buy 7 lizards and you never let it down. " Caz complained, standing up to face the person eye-level.

"I never let it down cause' you are practically addicted to reptiles like a stoner is to weed." The person chuckled.

"Nice Analogy Kenzie." He joked, giving her a hug. Mountain was trying to get more attention, but sadly couldn't.

"Thanks, I try!" She exclaimed sarcastically, excepting the hug. They stood there for a few seconds before Kenzie broke away from Caz to the kitchen counter.

"Those knives come in yet?" She asked, doing what looked like she was preparing for dinner.

"They'll be here tomorrow I think. "

"Alright then. You have your gun license renewed right?"

"Yeah. It's been renewed dude."

"Oh shut it Reptile boy."

"You first Love."

"Don't make me punch you." Kenzie threatened.

"Go on ahead, I'm not scared one bit." Caz folded his arms, raising an eyebrow as angry footsteps sound towards him.

She playfully growled, hitting him in the shoulder. "Told youuuuuu." The wife teased.

Caz faked gasped, stumbling backwards on purpose. "Honey I think you broke my arm!" He exclaimed, clenching his shoulder.

"You will live."






"Caz quit." Kenzie whined, getting annoyed.


"CAZ!" She yelled.

"Fine okay." Caz walked over to Kenzie, wrapping his arms around her. He planted a light kiss on her cheek. "I love you ya know, and we will survive this hell. I'll make damn sure of it." He whispered into her ear. He backed away and walked to his bedroom.

Kenzie smiled and started cooking ingredients to their dinner.

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