Chapter 3

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Before we dive into this chapter, my brain and I don't kow how many chapters this should be.
I know what you are thinking,
But I'm like
Reason being is, if I feel like even making this more than 10 chapters, it will only go up to 20. Because the purge really in reality is only 12 hours, so each chapter after the purge officially starts in the book is 1 hour. So basically each chapter is one hour of the purge.
Also above is a really good parody I listen to 24/7, for all you Steven Universe and Undertale fans out there.
Vote, comment, and share for more!
Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to be possibly coming out of the closet in my room. Please send help, I've been in here my whole life, eating Doritos and drinking Coke. I need some sunlight on my pale ass skin. That's all for now folks!
And as always, keep reading my friends.

Two weeks until the purge

"One coke, and a one sprite please." Caz said, sitting in a drive through in McDonalds. He started to pull out a 5 dollar bill from his pocket. He pulled a cup holder of of a little compartment before turning to face the order-here mic.

"Alright that'll be 4.50, your order will be right out the window." The cashier said.

"Why does this cost such much? Damn you life." He muttered quietly so nobody would hear.

He gave a small nod, then drove forward. The cashier smiled, handing him his drinks as he handed over the cash. "Keep the change." He said, smiling and trying to be polite.

The lady seemed to have a crush on him, as she tried to continue the smalltalk. "So, wanna come inside the building? I can get a small ice cream for you." Caz chuckled as he heard.

"No thanks. Me and my wife already bought a gallon at the store." He looked into her eyes, giving her an apologetic look. "Sorry." He also seemed to notice the crush she had.

The woman grunted, turning away from him. "Oh. Whatever." She closed the window, storming off. Caz rolled his eyes and started to drive down to his home. He slightly laughed, thinking about the little flirt and how she was upset.

He heard ringing from his phone, and so he picked it up. "This is the S.S. Handsomeness, Captain Sexy Speaking." He greeted over the phone.

"Caz why. Why?" Kenzie whined, seemingly upset.

"Oh shet, what'd I do?"

"One, You left a damn mess all over the bathroom with your clothes. Two, you didn't feed the dog this morning so I did. And THREE, why did I find a tank with a snake in our room?"

Caz facepalmed himself as he made it to the highway. A random car cut him off, almost causing him to wreck. He stuck his middle finger out of his window, and honked before continuing to drive. (A/N here, Caz what the fuck, you should've shot the asshole.)

"Well you see, being the person I am, I like reptiles, so I bought some last night while you were asleep. Deal with it."

He made it off the highway and onto the street he lived on.

"CAZ I'M GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS!" Kenzie yelled over the phone.

"Oh honey, only I'll do that tonight." Caz chuckled.

"CAZ! QUIT BEING PERVETED!" Kenzie kept shouting.

By now Caz was hysterical with laughter.

"Ahh but you like me this way don't you?" He said, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

He pulled into the driveway, catching his breath.

"No I don't. Now get the hell inside with our drinks before I beat the shit out of you." She growled, hanging up.

Caz rolled his eyes, grabbing the two drinks and getting of the car.

"Like she could." He muttered to himself, before reaching his door and opening it. He stepped inside and shut the door. He sighed, and made his way to the kitchen counter. His face had grown a smile from the fond memories of them young.

"Hey love. I'm here!" He shouted, which was followed by Kenzie with a "Whatever!". He set the coke on the counter before plopping himself on the couch. He turned on the TV, at least he'd have time before he had work. 'Which is in an 30 minutes.... Damn it....'

He thought, suddenly turning off the TV and rushing up the stairs. Caz ran past Kenzie and into the bedroom. He found his working jeans, his black company jacket, work boots, and work gloves before tossing them on. He hadn't realized the time. 25 minutes left. Caz ran to the door, yelling goodbye to Kenzie.

"Bye love! I'm nearly late to work!" He opened it, then slammed the door. He jumped inside his car, starting it up and then he began driving, going to his welding job.

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