Chapter 4

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Later that night

A dream continued-

Kenzie cried over her husbands dying body, she was very upset. Mountain was trying his best to comfort her. Her eyes looked at the rifle he held in his hands, and she took it. (A/N, Kenzie kill that mother trucker!) She perked her head up, hearing footsteps behind her.  Mountain growled and barked, defensively circling around Kenzie.

"Huh?" She turned to see a figure dressed in all black, his face covered by a doll like mask. The man turned his head to the side, curious about Kenzie. He took a step foward, pulling out a knife. The blade seemed to sharp tip, and it's blade had a camo pattern to it.

Frightened, the girl loaded a bullet in the chamber. "Dont. Step. A. Damn. Inch. Closer." She commanded, the words spat like venom. But the man seemed immune, as he took another step. "I'm not afraid!" She shouted.

The man took another step. And Another. Another one. Another one. This kept going until they were just 3 feet apart. She whacked him with the gun, but it had no affect.  The man had a deep chuckle, his voice sounding demonic yet oddly calming.

Suddenly, with brute force the gun was knocked away from Kenzie. The man took a huge step foward, using his left hand to grip her neck tightly. Mountain barked, but the man simply kicked him harshly and sending him into the ground.

"You know, your quite intresting. Such a delicate branch, that was apart of a strong tree. But your weak, nothing without your husband."  The man spoke, his words stung to Kenzie as she tried freeing from the deathgrip.

He pressed the knife to her cheek. He applied little pressure, at first causing a small mark. Then his strength put more pressure, a deep gash starting to form. Blood gushed from the wound and Kenzie screamed.

"Everything dies at some point. Everything will be extinct at some time, and when you want something extinct, you start with the youth. And you my sweet darling, are the youth in this case." The man chuckled, still pressing the knife to her.

Kenzie, felt helpless. Everything was stripped from her, no light, no family, no life. Just pure darkness was all she had. And yet in alternate universe, she was something stronger and more mythical. But sadly she was stuck in a living hell.

Tears welled up in her face, then she tried looking the figure in the eye. She gave a harsh glare, accepting her fate. "Then take me into the shadows." She croaked, and felt pain. Life flashed before her eyes, the man let go and she collapsed.

He laughed, picking up the rifle he had knocked down. " Tsk.... And to think she was strong." He walked away, disappearing into nothing.

End of dream-

Caz growled, sitting up right in his bed. No sleep, once again. This had been the second time the dream happened, right where it left off. His heart slowly started to calm down.  He Silently cursed, hopping out of bed and making his way to the living room.

He plopped himself on the couch and turned on the TV.

This chapter was more of a half-assed one. Sorry for it being short, as I'm quite lazy. There may not be an update tommorrow, as I have to go shopping for a suit. My boyfriend wants to take me to this Wedding for his aunt or something like that, but at least there's gonna be cake! Also Monday is the wedding, and the three days following are Summer Camp for me. SoOoooooooooooooooo Yeah. I'll be trying to be as active as I can these days. Lmao, I can't imagine myself in a suit, I'll look like a dressed up pizza cause of my horrible acne XD. Anyways, vote, comment and share for more! And as always, keep reading my friends.

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