Hero For A Shining Moment

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The first hour or so of our tour was pretty uneventful. We got a noise complaint, but that was pretty much it. Jamie parked the car and we decided to walk around, since no major crime was going on in our area.

It was about 10:15 AM and Jamie and Eddie ran into a convenience store to grab coffee. I didn't want any, so I waited outside. All of a sudden, I heard screaming. It wasn't just little kids playing loudly, and believe me, I knew the difference after babysitting all throughout high school. Then, out of the blue, a girl, probably 12 or 13, grabbed my arm. She was crying and out of breath. Her reddish-brown hair was a mess. She was running from something.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong? What's going on?" I asked. My tone remained calm, but I was a little uneasy. It was a new city and I was by myself with a girl who seemed to be very spooked by something. "Take a deep breath and tell me what happened."

The girl took a breath. Her voice was shaky. "T-there was this guy, a-and, he, um..." She could barely get the words out. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay. It's okay. You're safe now." I told her. She completely broke down and her knees practically gave out on her. I wrapped her up in a hug. Where are Jamie and Eddie?

"This guy grabbed me and put me in the b-back of a van. He... He went into a store to buy, um, I'm not sure, but I unlocked the back d-door and ran, but he saw me and started to chase me. So I took a turn down t-that alley and f-found you." The little girl confessed. I looked at her. She was truly, honestly scared and I could tell she wasn't lying.

"Okay. Did you get a good look at the guy? The van? Maybe the store?" I asked in an easygoing voice, careful not to worry her. She nodded. "Okay, sweetie. Now, what's your name?" I questioned. She wiped her eyes.

"M-my name is Raina. Raina Davis." As she said that, Jamie and Eddie walked out of the store. Jamie saw the girl practically attached to me, and gave me a confused look.

"Okay, Raina. Well, I'm Officer Greene, and these guys are Officer Reagan and Officer Janko. We're gonna take you down to the police station where you'll be nice and safe, and you can call your parents. We just have to ask you a few questions about what happened." I said in a sweet voice, trying to keep Raina relaxed.

"Hi, Raina, I'm Officer Reagan. You're gonna ride in the back of a police car. Officer Greene is going to sit back there with you. We'll be at the precinct in no time. It'll be easy, okay?" Jamie seemed to be very skilled with kids.

The three of us walked back to the car. I climbed in the back with Raina, and Eddie and Jamie got in the front. Jamie called into the radio, and I started to talk to Raina.

"So, Raina, how old are you?" I asked her casually. She wiped her still-watery eyes and sniffed.

"I'm twelve." Raina replied. My stomach knotted. She took my hand and held on tightly. I felt awful for this little girl, and even worse as I had been in the same situation as her before, only I hadn't been lucky enough to escape before anything bad happened.

We finally arrived at the precinct. Eddie decided to take her in for questioning since I didn't know the process yet. I gave Raina a hug and let Eddie take her. Jamie pulled me aside.

"So what happened out there?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Well, someone screamed, and then a little girl came running to me. I asked her what was wrong, she told me what happened, and I kept her calm until you guys came out." I told him. "It really wasn't a big deal."

Jamie looked at me inquiringly. "Are you sure that it's 'no big deal?'" He asked. I was pretty sure he forgot I had already been a cop in Boston for 3 and a half years.

"Jamie, I'm a cop. I'm not new on the job, I'm just new in town. I've been doing this for close to four years now, and let's just say I wasn't touring in the South End or Beacon Hill." He looked super confused and then I realized he didn't know Boston terminology. "Beacon Hill and the South End are the nicest parts of Boston, if you didn't understand. Sorry about the Boston language. But anyways, that certainly wasn't the worst thing I've dealt with in my career. Don't worry." Jamie's expression seemed to be very surprised with me.

"Okay, I was just making sure. You're a lot more outspoken than I thought you were," Jamie grinned. He got both of us some coffee and he filled a cup for Eddie as well. We sat down at the table and made some small talk until Eddie came back.

"Alright, Raina gave me the description, I gave it over to Laura and Tim to run through the system. Raina's mom is on the way, she's fine, and she says thank you, Hannah." Eddie said. "Good job." She smiled and sat down. Jamie handed her the cup of coffee. Just as she took one sip, we heard Sergeant Renzulli's voice.

"Reagan! Janko! Greene!" The shout rang through the department. It felt great to hear my name being called again. Jamie smiled and shook his head. Eddie looked very displeased. She threw her coffee in the trash and started out onto the floor. Jamie burst into laughter.

"This happens every time she sits down." He shook the laughter and jogged to catch up with Eddie. I followed.

We reached Eddie and Sergeant Renzulli. He addressed me first. "Greene, I heard about the girl you helped. Great job, you handled it well all by yourself. We have two detectives who are running him through the system, and we put the description of the guy and the van over the radio. I'll get the results back to you guys. And with that, you three, back on the streets. You're not getting payed to drink coffee." Renzulli told us. I smiled and Jamie nodded, and we set off back downstairs.

Eddie was still annoyed that she could only get one sip out of her coffee. "You got that right, we sure as hell don't get payed to drink coffee." She spat the words out. Jamie and I burst into laughter.

We got to the garage and reached the car. "Don't worry, this time we won't leave you outside again, even though at this rate, you'd probably catch 'America's Most Wanted' outside a sub shop." Jamie elbowed me playfully. I laughed. We all got into the car and set back onto the streets.

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