Drinks With New Friends

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The rest of the tour was fairly simple. We got two collars, and Jamie taught me the booking process. It was pretty easy, a bit more complicated than the Boston booking process but New York City had a much heavier population, so it made sense.

The three of us went our separate ways into the locker rooms. Eddie and I talked while getting changed. "So, your first day on the job, didn't seem too bad, eh?" Eddie asked. I smiled.

"Yeah," I laughed. "It was pretty great. Real easy, which was nice. I think I've got the booking process down now." I pulled on my shirt and shook out my hair from the tight bun it had been in all day. It poofed into a frizzy mess around my head. I quickly grabbed my hairbrush and tried to contain it. I then realized I had forgotten pants. I pulled on the cute black skirt I had worn to visit the Commissioner when I first moved here. I then threw on my flats and walked back over to Eddie, who was fixing her hair as well.

"Hey, I have an idea," Eddie said to me as she was shaking out her long blonde hair. I looked at her inquisitively, waiting for her idea. "You should come out for drinks with me and Jamie! It's your first day on the job in New York, that's something to celebrate! Do you have a ride?" Eddie spoke so quickly, it was hard to understand. Luckily I picked up on all of it. Though, I didn't have a ride.

"Oh, um, no, I don't have a ride. I walked here this morning." I mumbled. Eddie did hear me, though.

"Oh, that's fine! I'm sure you can get a ride with Jamie. My car is tiny, and I already told my friend Jenna that I would pick her up, but if worst comes to worst, I'm sure I can fit you. Come on, we'll go ask Jamie now." Eddie and I walked out of the locker room and started looking for Jamie. "You know, he seems to be really fond of you. I bet you'll have him wrapped around your finger in no time." Eddie playfully elbowed me. I laughed.

We finally stumbled upon Jamie. He was in jeans and a Harvard hoodie. I looked down at my semi-formal outfit and felt very out of place. I was so used to Boston, where you always wanted to dress to impress. I hadn't realized that rule didn't apply everywhere. "Hey, you two look nice. Eddie, where are we all going tonight?" Jamie asked. Eddie grinned.

"That's actually what we came to talk to you about. I invited Hannah to come with us, out to drinks, since she's new in town and all. I figured that since I'm bringing Jenna, we might as well give you a friend too so you're not lonely." Eddie smiled and jokingly punched Jamie's arm. "But, Hannah doesn't have a ride, and I'm picking up Jenna, so I figured you would drive her. Sound okay? Alright, great. See you guys later!" Eddie flashed a smile, gave me a quick hug, and practically bolted out of the building. I laughed nervously.

"Okay then, looks like I'll be driving you. I'm still not quite sure where we're actually going, but I'm sure we'll find out eventually." Jamie smiled at me, a big bright smile that lit me up inside. But, no. This couldn't be happening. I hadn't liked anyone since high school, and that didn't end well. I promised myself then and there that I wouldn't fall for Jamie. Hopefully.

We got out to Jamie's car. "You can sit up front, you know." He called from the other side of the car. I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. I hopped into the passenger seat, Jamie already in he driver's seat. The car smelled nice, like clean cotton. It was a fairly big car with black leather interior. I buckled up and Jamie started the car. He flicked on the radio and a Pink Floyd song came on. "This okay?" He asked, gesturing to the radio. I nodded instantly. I loved Pink Floyd, as did my father when I was younger.

About fifteen minutes after we pulled out onto the road, Eddie called. Jamie put the call on speaker phone so he could keep driving. "Eddie, will you stop fooling around and tell me where we're actually going?" Jamie said into the phone. I could hear Eddie try not to laugh.

"Jenna and I are at the bar across town." Eddie told us. Jamie sighed.

"That's great, Eddie. Really helpful. There are over 100 bars 'across town'. How about a name and an address?" He replied.

"Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? It would be helpful..." Eddie was having fun with this, I could tell. Apparently Jamie could tell, too.

"Damn it Eddie, if you don't give me an address and a bar name right now, I'm going home." Jamie sounded annoyed, but he winked at me and smiled to reassure he was just playing her game.

"God, Jamie, so demanding. We're at The Half Pint at 76 W 3rd Street. Happy now?" I could feel Eddie smiling through the phone. "I've gotta go, see you two in twenty minutes or so." She hung up, and Jamie and I practically died laughing.

"Sorry about that," Jamie laughed. "She does that sometimes, and that's the only way I can get the address from her." I giggled, and Jamie turned the car around to get to the bar. We drove for about twenty minutes, cracking jokes the entire time. Once we arrived at the bar, Jamie texted Eddie and she met us outside with one of her friends, Jenna.

"Hannah, this is Jenna. Jenna, that's Hannah, and you know Jamie." Eddie introduced us all and we went inside. The bar was cute, it had a rustic wood theme and was pretty small but cozy. It wasn't very busy, there had to be only 8 or 9 other people there. It was nice.

We decided to sit at the bar and order. As I had twenty dollars, I decided to treat myself a bit. I ordered a Rainbow Punch cocktail (made with real rainbow sherbet, one of my favorites), Eddie and I ordered a Rise & Shine cocktail to split (which was strawberry vodka and lemonade), Jenna ordered a Badass Hard Cider, and Jamie ordered a Guinness Stout. We also ordered a large order fries to divide amongst the four of us.

We all got to talking, and the orders kept going in, purchasing more and more drinks. By the end of it, we were all a little drunk, all asides from Jamie. He was definitely a little tipsy, but he was well capable of driving home. Apparently Jenna's apartment was about two minutes away so Eddie and Jenna had walked here in the first place, therefore it wouldn't matter who would drive them home. Eddie certainly had more to drink than I did, so I was wondering how she was going to feel the next morning, as we all had 8:00 AM tours. I had assumed I would still be riding with Jamie and Eddie the next day, so that would be interesting. Sarge still hadn't found a partner for me yet, and hadn't told me I wasn't working tomorrow, but who knew.

The night was over before we knew it. Everything was kind of a blur after the second drink (I stopped at three and a half, Jamie stopped at two, Jenna stopped at four, and Eddie stopped at four and a half, if not five). I finally got back to my senses when I was in Jamie's car again.

"Hannah. Honestly. I've asked you this three times. What is your address? I'm not going to 'stalk' you. I'm also not going to let you walk home drunk at 1 AM. You either tell me your address or you can sleep on my couch. Those are your two options here." Jamie sounded like he was talking to a five year old. However, I had been told I acted very stubborn while drunk.

"Oh, uh, sorry. Sorry. I live about three or four streets over from the precinct." I began. I rubbed my eyes and noticed how tired I was. I quickly gave Jamie my address and he began driving. I didn't mean to, but I fell asleep on the way.

Jamie pulled up to the precinct and woke me up. "Boy, you are really tough to deal with when you're drunk. Okay, what street do you live on?" Jamie asked. I was still pretty groggy, but I gave him my address. He drove the remaining five minutes to my apartment.

"Thanks. This was a great day, nice tour too. You guys are really nice. So nice. Okay, I'm gonna head inside. See you tomorrow!" I was all fluttery and still moderately drunk. I fumbled for my keys in my handbag and got out of the car. Jamie rolled the window down.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're gonna be able to get into your apartment alright?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, um, yeah. I'll be fine. Just a little tipsy, I should be fine. I just need sleep. Thanks for the ride. So, see you tomorrow then?" I asked. Jamie nodded and shot me a smile. I grinned back and waved before he pulled away. I climbed the steps up to my apartment and entered. The room was super dark, darker than usual. That was probably due to my vision being awful after close to four drinks. I had a very low alcohol tolerance. Luckily, I was pretty good with water, so hangovers usually never bothered me.

I threw my keys on my counter, flicked on a light, and got myself a glass of water to drink before bed. I had a lovely first day on the job in "the big city." I finished my water, changed into a long t-shirt and shorts, and crawled into bed. I drifted off to sleep, ready for my next big day in New York.

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