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"Help! There's an emergency! They're ghouls! I repeat, they ghouls in the building!" A man voice rang through the radio.

"Hurry we must evacuate the building- Agh!" The voice in the radio suddenly stopped, making everyone in the CCG went silent.

A bloody figure stand on top of the building licking its lips. "Aw... Those taste so good!" It laughed and disappear into the night leaving the building full of corpses.

Dipper walks into a coffee shop called Mystery cafe with his twin sister. They sit at a table as Mable keeps poking Dipper's forehead while Dipper keeps reading his book.

"Come on Dipper. You gotta tell her. She can't know that if you keep reading that book."

"But what if she doesn't feel the same? I'm going to be an idiot."

Dipper sighs and goes back to reading as Mable order some drinks from a guy named Bill.

The door open as a red haired girl walks in. Dipper looks at her and blushes as Mable notices her too.

"OMG, Dipper. It's her!"

"I know Mable. Don be too loud."

Wendy goes sit in a table in the corner and takes out a book that looks like the one in Dipper's hand. Dipper looks at her and the book and walks over to her.

"H-Hey Wendy." He greeted.

"Hey. You're Dipper Pine, right?" She smiled at him.

"Y-Yeah. Y-You're reading a book just like mine." Dipper sits down.

"Well, I guess I am. Um... You wanna hangout?" Wendy asked making Dipper widened his eyes.

"R-Really?! Of course!" He said excited.

"Cool. Come on." Wendy smiles and get up then walk out. Dipper excitedly follow her.

And the date went on.
Okay! First chapter. This is Tokyo ghouls and Gravity Falls smashed up together. You don't have to watch anime or read manga to understand it. And that is all. J out!

Gravity Ghouls. (Billdip. Tokyo ghouls AU) Where stories live. Discover now