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[Night time. 7:00pm]

Wendy and Dipper walks out from a bookstore, ready to head home.

"Dipper. Um... Can you take me back to my home?" Wendy asked as Dipper blushes madly.
"O-Of course. But why?"

Wendy makes a terrified face. "B-Because I-I live near the building t-that the ghouls attacked last night. I'm really scared."
Dipper takes a deep breath at the mention of ghouls.
"Oh my god, Wendy, that's terrible. Don't worry I'm here with you."

Wendy gives a soft smile. "Thank you, Dipper." Then she leads Dipper into an ally next to a building. Then she suddenly stops. Dipper looks back at her.
"What's wrong?" He asked. Wendy runs to him and hugs him. Dipper surprised a bit but smile and hug back.

Suddenly Dipper's smile disappear as he sees a bloody tail-like thing in front of his eye. Wendy eyes turn black and red as she bites Dipper's shoulder.
He panic and quickly pull back and run but something grab his leg and pull him back.

Wendy starts laughing madly. "Oh Dipper, do you know what else interested me more than reading?!" She pulls him back with her kagune.
"That is watching people run for their lives and pull out their organ! Their flesh taste really good after that!"

One of her kagune stabs into Dipper stomach making him coughs up blood. Then she throw him hard into the building's wall. Dipper goes limb, he's loosing blood and very tired. This is it. He's going to die here.

Wendy comes closer to him. "What? You dead already? What a shame. I really like you. Oh well." She shrugged and dash over to him.

A bunch of cobra suddenly falls down on Wendy, smashing her. "W-What... T-this... C-can't...be...!"

Gravity Ghouls. (Billdip. Tokyo ghouls AU) Where stories live. Discover now