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SabrinaFoster: Hi.
SabrinaFoster: Lol chill
ZackAdams: We should hang out tonight! To celebrate!
SabrinaFoster: I can't, I'm trying to find a date.
ZackAdams: For what?
SabrinaFoster: well the guy from the party and I were going to go on a date tonight, but I forgot I planned a girls night with my best friend, so I need a date for her... You want to be that date???
ZackAdams: No.
SabrinaFoster: Pretty please?
ZackAdams: Nope.
SabrinaFoster: Pretty please with a cherry on top?
ZackAdams: Nah.
SabrinaFoster: I'll love you forever!!
SabrinaFoster: Oh my god thanks I can kiss you!
ZackAdams: What's stopping you ;)
Message read.
Heyyy early update since I have a load of chores and a class and also I'm very pissy because Satan decided to make his monthly visit. Also some people pissed me off and I really just hate everything right now but I'm fine. I swear I am fine. I had a great Sunday, got to see my bestie and we went shopping and I got a ton of new make up(BLACK LIPSTICK) so I'm fine. Just a tad bit pissed off. But I'm all good.

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