Chapter 4A:(Cook Route) Anything

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You recognize the black coat. It was sleek, smooth, and scented with spices and smoke. Wasn't this Sanji's? Snoring fills your surroundings and notice all the guys of the Straw Hat Crew. Every single one of them sleeping in hammocks. A few of them even sleep talking. You overhear Usopp mumbling about his 1 million man army.
You realize something though. Sanji wasn't in this room as you recall all of the men here but him. Did he sleep outside for you to sleep comfortably? Anything for a beautiful lady... You scoff and shook your head. That guy was really lovesick.
You quietly sneak out of the room and take a peek of the deck. A cold wind blows suddenly and you cover yourself up with the black coat. It kept you warm despite the size being slightly too big. The ship was sailing smoothly and soundly. The Thousand Sunny they called it.
Your mind drifts on that name. A thousand suns. That's one thousand stars. Stars.... Your eyes are drawn to the night sky. There weren't thousands of stars. There were billions.
Your attention completely towards the stars has you off guard. A voice startled you.

Sanji: _____-chan?

You jump just slightly. Turning around, Sanji approaches you. He blows out some smoke and smiles sweetly.

Sanji: Did you come to find me ____-chan~?

You: Um, sure?

Sanji spins around with his hands locked together. He lets out a swooned sigh, with hearts in his eyes.

Sanji: ____-chan and I under the bright stars on the perfect evening to fall in-

You: You can cut the act, Sanji.

Sanji: Eh?

You awkwardly smile and shrug. You take off his coat and hang it over his shoulder. You sigh as he gives you a confused look. 

Sanji: What act?

You start to laugh and hold your stomach. He continues to give strange looks towards you. You explain to him in the most brief way. 

You: You're not really in love with me. I get it. You're a charmer and all, but just treat me like one of the guys. We're nakama, right? 

Sanji: _____-chan, you're not just one of those idiots. You're a lady deserving complete respect!

You: Yeah, yeah, but all that stuff earlier...It doesn't need to be said. I've dealt with other guys like you that-

Sanji: Like me? How so?

He questioned you and you didn't really know how to answer. You try to recollect your thoughts and describe it to him. 

You: Well, guys will just try to swoon you over and do things that feel... unreal. It's not sincere or anything. They don't mean it and it's just wrong. 

You chuckle nervously as you realized how much you were droning on. In the midst of laughter, Sanji crosses his arms and takes his cigarette out of his mouth, throwing it overboard. 

Sanji: _____, if I'm your nakama, then...

He covers you back up in the coat and gives a warm smile. He ruffles your hair a bit and tells you:

Sanji: I'll do anything for a girl like you.

You feel yourself heating up in the cold night. Your cheeks starting to feel hotter. You shake your head and just laugh it off.

You: Ha, whatever you say, Sanji. 

Sanji: I mean it. Anything.

You: Anything? Even jump out into the ocean?!

Sanji: To save you of course.

The two of you share a laugh. You scratch the back of your head an look up at him. You tell him again:

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