A Trillion Legions of the Damned and William

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Jet's POV


As soon as he replied Pax took a glance at the clock on the wall, hung the phone up, jumped off the counter and walked over to Gee, giving him an elbow in the side to draw his attention from the book in his hands before speaking not so quietly, "it's time, are you going or not?"

Gee looked up at him, straightened then put the book beside him, "Fine, I'll do it." He got to his feet, put his strapped gun on and took the ski mask and duffle bag Pax handed to him before walking towards me. What the fuck is he planning on doing, this isn't going to be the part where he makes me let him into the vault is it?

"No, don't take her. Take her blonde panicky friend instead and when you get back tell me how she reacted to the tunnels. Two grand says she's claustrophobic." Pax was right making that bet, Vera was terrified of enclosed spaces and would hyperventilate to the point of passing out. I'd only seen her do it once when we were younger and she trapped herself in the kitchen pantry during a game of hide and seek, she almost broke the door trying to get out.

"If she's panicking the whole time then I'm not going to get any shit done am I?" Instead of listening to Pax, Gee reached down and grabbed me by the arm, pulling me to my feet. "And she's not the one who's got the keys to the bank is she?"

To be perfectly honest I was actually glad Gee had ignored the command of his partner and decided to take me take me with him because I got a foreboding feeling in my gut that if I stayed here something very bad would happen to me. I didn't get the same feeling for Vera, as far as I knew Pax wanted nothing to do with her so she'd probably be safe as long as she took her pills when she started to panic.

Maybe there's a small chance I'll be able to convince Gee to end this all peacefully, he doesn't seem like he'd be closed off to reasoning like his friend.

"Fine, fine. If you want to go sneak around with your hostage girlfriend then I won't stop you but if she tries to escape then it's gonna be you who has to shoot her." Gee wouldn't actually shoot me, right? He doesn't seem like the kind of person capable of killing someone else but I don't know everything he's done.

"I'll take an hour and a half, tops. Be ready to go by the time I'm back." Without so much as another word he grabbed my hand and pulled be away from the group, towards the back of the bank. Not wanting to cause any trouble I hurried along with him and as soon as we'd reached the hallway leading to the vault he let go, not seeming to have any interest whatsoever in whether or not I walked beside him and hung back. If felt like I could have gone into a different room and he wouldn't have noticed or cared.

There was nothing but silence between us as we approached the vault, Gee unzipped the duffle bag as I retrieved the keys from the waistband of my jeans and started looking through them, praying that the vault key was on the loop because I had no idea how on earth I was going to casually explain that I didn't have the key to the vault because I don't even work here to begin with and they've been entirely wrong about me working here. I'm no rocket scientist or genius but I'm smart enough to know that it would likely add up to me getting a bullet in the head from Pax for telling fibs. Given my druthers I think I'd much rather stay alive thank you very much.

"You sure you know how to unlock this thing?" Gee asked as he stared at the vault that was a helluva lot more imposing that I remembered from the one time I'd seen it.

"Yeah," I said, nodding and trying my best to feign confidence which was pretty hard considering I couldn't remember which keys were supposed to go where and there were about five different locks on the giant, reinforced steel door. "I've done this plenty of times, it's- it's easy." If I could turn into that guy from Jumper, now would be the time.

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