Trouble At Night

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"Good Night Mina" Kyuhyun said giving me a hug before he left the couch. 

"Kibum" I called "You have to sleep too" I said looking down at him

Kyuhyun, Kibum and Me were the only ones awake in the house. 

everyone else had gone to sleep.

Lets MAKE some NOISE shhh.

Well ,now that Kyu went to bed. 

Kibum should too.

The digital watch that I was wearing kept blaring with the noiseful alarm. 

I had to go work. 

Its 1:30 at night. I need to go save someone,i need to go work for the SSO. 

I shook Kibum who was sleeping on my lap. 

"Get up" I moved him. 

"No, You are my pillow tonight" -_-'' 

"Kibum oppa ... I have to go" I told him lightly. 

"Where?" He opened his eyes and looked at me. "where does my princess have to go ?" 

"Yo, I am not your daughter, just get the heck up" I screamed whispered. 

"Shh. Lets not use inapro words" He said putting his finger to my lips. 


This boy is drunk. 

My digital watch in disguise work morpher (what the gibberish) started making noises again. 

"What is up with that watch?" He asked. 

"hm, its asking met to go to bed, its past my bed time" I said angrily. 

"Aish, alright. Go to bed, Good night" He said getting up from my lap and walking to his bed. 

He is boy ... toopsi

I got up and turned off the TV and then walked slowly to my room, not making any noises. 

I was going to pass Tuekie's room when the alarm started again. And this time, It was loud. 

Beeep .. Beeep ... Beeep

 I quickly rushed to my room and turned on my computer, notifiing the SSO that I am alive and nothing happened to me. 

"Top Agent 007, can you hear me?" The elderly man stated. 

This is Mr. Paul. 

He is kinda my regent. You know what I mean. He is the heir until I can take full control.

"Yeah, I can hear you. And I am alive" I stated. 

"We were wondering where you were" 

"right. And listen. Since it is my birthday tomorrow and I will be 18. Do you think I can come back ?"  I asked. 

"No, Not yet" He answered. 

"Why not ?" 

"Its been 2 years since SME bought you. Do you think it would be normal if you just dissapear?" He question slash answered my questions. 

"So, I tell them who I really am?" 

"No, you can't tell them. Its top secret" He answred. 

"But, then ?" I asked

"we will get you out of there as fast as possible. Be undercover" He answered. 

"Yes-" I sighed "- I will" 

Maid Princess at Day, Agent by the nightWhere stories live. Discover now