Birthday Surprise

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I woke up, rubbing my eyes and avoiding the sub that came through my only little window. 

I turned to my right side to see what time it was 

9:38 AM

It read.

Oh shoot, its late. 

I got up and shivered to the cold morning air. 

I yawned and looked at myself in the mirror. 

Yeah ... Horrible as always. 

I unlocked my door and went out side. 

"Is anyone up yet ? Its 9:45"  I shouted in the hallway where there were doors leading to each others rooms. 

I walked into the leaving room. 

"Woah~" Came out of my mouth when I saw all the pink crape paper and baby colored baloons hung up all around.

On the table in the center there were presents all wrapped up and set. 

How many are there ? 

I jumped "They remember"

I walked up to the table to find a little envelope. 

Skip the envelope~~ Probably just a card.

I looked at the presents.

Waaah so many

A part of me said that I should open the envelope first. 

No ~~ presents first.

I took one of the boxes and when I was about to open it a voice shot in my ear "Don't you DARE" 

"Henwwwwyyyyy" I said in my most babyish voice and ran to him. 

"Happy Birthday Princess" He said hugging me and slopping kisses on my face. 

Mwah Mwah Mwah

"Happy Birthday Mina" Zhou Mi entered through the door.

-More Kisses from Henry-

"That's enough" Zhou Mi said pulling me out of Henry's grasp.

"Hyung~" He whined as Zhou Mi started slopping kisses on my cheeks. 

All I could do was stand there, Blush and be kissed. 

This actually reminds me of my last birthday. 

It wasn't . . . well, Pleasent. 

I was horribly injured while completing a mission the night before my birthday. 

Flashback Flashback Flashback *echoes*

I was on my nightly petrol when I heard a screach.

I started running to the area where I heard the noises from. 

When I reached to the place, there was a girl being pulled and pushed by 4 guys surrounding her. 

I rushed to the area and beat the boys on by one. 

But the last one had a tiny knife in his hand. 

I lunged towards him to try and grab the knife from his hand, instead I got a deep cut right on my hand. 

But I  used my leg to get rid of it instead and the girl was safe. 

The boys ran after being beaten the crap by a 16 year old who was 1 hour away from her begining of the 17th year. 

The cut on my hand was deep and the blood streamed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2012 ⏰

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