{6} Why

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*Tim POV*
We were all devastated when we heard the news of Max. Everyone was working that day, so everyone found out at the same time. How we found out was that Adam got a call from the police. We saw Adam just start crying on the call so a few of us went over and asked him what was wrong and hugged him. He had said that Max was killed in a car accident.
What I had noticed after everyone had found out, was that Ross immediately got up from sitting on the couch and left. He walked out of the office and gone home.
Nobody noticed except me I think.
"Wait. Has anybody seen Ross? I thought he was here when I said the bad news."
Adam says while still crying.
"He left."
I say looking down.
"Alright guys. I think we're gonna take a break and all of us go home. I don't think any of us have any motivation for video making right now. I'll see u guys later."
Adam says while walking out of the offices with Alesa.

It's been 4 hours since I've seen the videos. I'm still laying in bed emotionless.
I hear my mom get home and it sounds like she brung home groceries.

*Mom POV*
I get home from work and grocery shopping.
Ugh y/n is probably just watching YouTube like she always does, haha
I think to myself.
I finish putting away the groceries and go upstairs to check on y/n.
She's just laying in bed staring out the window with a blank expression. It kinda looks like there are tears stained on her face.

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