{10} Letting Out

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*Ross POV*

It's been 2 and a half weeks since he left. I haven't been to the office since then. Everyone is back to work except me. Luckily they understand. We haven't held the funeral yet because they want me there. But I have no motivation to leave the apartment. Everything reminds me of him. When I would drive us to work in my car, we would get coffee and donuts at Starbucks or dunking donuts, the offices where we worked together, everything. I still don't think I can leave the apartment. Not yet.

I get out of bed and decide maybe I should do a little vlog. I haven't uploaded in almost 3 weeks. Everybody's worried about me. But the thing that I hate the most are the fans saying "Mithross is dead." "The ship has sunken." And stuff like that. We never dated. It's weird for people to ship two living people together. I'm allowed to have a best friend without that meaning I'm dating them. Luckily I have a lot of other fans that are being supportive through this rough time. But some others think this is a cruel joke. Sick people they are. Sick.

I go and grab my phone to vlog and turn it on while I go back and sit on my bed. I start recording.
"Hey there pals. I just wanted to inform you about why I haven't posted in almost 3 weeks. Well uh, as most of you know. My best friend aka Max or Mithzan, has um."
I haven't talked about his death since the day of it. I take a breather and continue talking after about 10 seconds.
"He's gone. He uh passed away in a car accident."
My eyes I know have been red and watery this whole time, and my face looked like shit, but then I started to cry thinking about it. I try to keep it together, but I still cry.
"So for whoever thinks this is a joke. Well you're sick. I'm gonna be straight forward. You are a coward. I haven't been through so much pain in my entire life. Anyhow. I don't know how long it'll be until I start filming again but just be patient. Please. But if you still don't believe me. You can go check out everyone else's videos, but you should check out Tim's. He accidentally got me yelling about it. I wish he didn't, but it's proof. But that's all I guess. Later Pals."
I start crying 2 seconds before I turn off the camera. I used my phone so I can just upload it immediately without editing it. The video was a total of about 2 minutes. So it uploads fairly quickly.

After I uploaded it, I decided to make some food. I've barely eaten in the last 2 and half weeks. I've been eating little snacks and not much of anything else.

I decide I wanna make Mac & Cheese. Max made it the best but I make it the second best in the apartment.

After I finish making it, I eat some and watch YouTube.

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