{7} Not The Same

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*Tims POV*
I get to the apartment and walk over to Ross' room. He looks like he's been crying. He's just laying in the cover of his bed and looking out the window while it's raining.
"Uh. Ro-Ross? Are you uh okay?"
I say slowly walking in.
No answer.
I sit on the end of his bed.
Ross whispers. I could barely hear him but I understood him.
"Okay. Well everyone is taking the week off. We don't need to worry about editing or recording. Most people are gonna create a vlog for their channels. Do you wanna do that?"
I stand up.
"Okay. I'll be in the living room."
I walk out quietly shutting his door behind me.
I quickly call Adam.
"Hey Tim. Uh what's up."
Adam still sounds sad.
"I've never seen Ross like this before."
"I'm on my way. I'll bring Alesa and a few guys over."


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