Kyoya Otari X reader (Ouran HSHC)

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Key: (y/n) = your name

I'm so excited for my new school, Ouran Academy. My parents own a large printing company and we recently had to move, the mansion isn't as big as the last one, but I still get a huge space to myself, which is great, I love having my music on really loud.

On my first day, I was met by the principle, he seems really nice, he showed me around school, this school has everything, even a host club apparently. He told me his son is in the host club, his son sounds interesting.

Teacher: "class, this is (y/n), she is the daughter of the infamous diako printing company"
(y/n): "it's a pleasure to meet everyone", I bow my head, it's a little hard in the big yellow dress, but I try my best.

After I take my seat, I try to listen to what the teacher is saying, but I must have missed a lot as I don't understand any of it. Just then, the Handsome boy next to me talks to me.
Boy: "you can borrow my notes if you like?", he smiles, but his glasses hide his eyes, making it impossible to tell if his smile is genuine.
(y/n): "thank you.. Uh.." I tilt my head, prompting him to tell me his Name.
Boy: " my name is kyoya Otari" he smiles again.

after classes, I decide to check out the host club, there seems to be a lot of cute boys around already.
I ask for directions to the host club, apparently it's in an old music room, music room 3. As I open the door, the smell of roses invades my nose, it's a nice, but strong smell.

I look around, there are tables in groups with a host and many girls surrounding them. It seems to be themed for summer even though it's winter. It's warm. I look around at the tables, on one table is a blond boy holding a rose, getting very close with the girls on his table; on another table is a little boy eating cake while holding a bunny, and a tall man is next to him, not looking amused.
How cute.
On another table is... Wait, am I seeing double? There's two boys who look exactly the same. They seem to be.... Very close to each other.
On the last table is a boy with short brown hair, he seems to be having a nice time with the girls on his table.

After I'm done inspecting the host club, I go to walk out, but as I turn around, I'm met by another boy.
Kyoya: "it's nice to see you again (y/n), please, make yourself at home"
It's the same boy from class, who gave me the notes.
(y/n): "no, I think I'm ok, but thank you for the notes earlier, they were a huge help!" I accidentally yell.
He looks at me for a while, there's something evil about his expression for a second, but then his smile returns.
Kyoya: "then, as a thank you, would you please stay and enjoy yourself?"
I hesitate, I've never been to a host club before...
Kyoya: "you can chose any host you see, so.."
He smiles as he gestures around the room. I don't know any of them, they all seem nice enough though, as I try to figure out who I might like to get to know, I spot Kyoya straining to keep smiling in the corner of my eye.

I put on an innocent voice,
(y/n): "can I choose you Kyoya?"
He stares at me, before pushing up his glasses and returning my smile.
Kyoya: "of course, follow me"
He closes his book he was carrying around and leads me to a small table.
I wasn't actually expecting him to say yes...

He sits down comfortable, I sit down across from him. He's wearing casual summer clothes, it seems to be a Hawaiian t-shirt.
(y/n): "why are you wearing summer clothes?"
Kyoya: "the King decided to add some summer in a dreary winter, so, we all had to wear summer clothes. You see, we do themes at the host club. Sometimes, we dress up as soldiers from the edo era, other times, we dress up as vampires. Simple as that."
(y/n): "oh." Is all I say.
(y/n): "who's the King?", Kyoya sighs
Kyoya: "Tamaki suoh, the blond over there", he points to the man with the flower that seemed very close to the girls. So he's the principles son.
Kyoya leans his arm on the table and rests his head on his hand, leaning in close. I back up a little.
Kyoya: "but your here to talk to me right? It's rude to talk about other men", he gives me a seductive stare, his eyes visible though his glasses, they look like they're staring though to my soul. I gulp.

He laughs a little.

Kyoya: "typical" he snorts
(y/n): "what?" I ask confused.
Kyoya: "you (y/n)-San", he sits back properly in his chair, "I smile at you, say sweet things and you fall for me". I get angry at this.
(y/n): "I did NOT fall for you!", kyoya narrows his eyes while smirking.
Kyoya: "oh, so you didn't get excited just before?", I narrow my eyes in anger.
(y/n): "no."

Kyoya smirk grows.
Kyoya: "oh, you didn't?", "well, how about now?" He reaches out his hand and cups my cheek.
I try to stay still, not letting it show that he's getting to me.
(y/n): "nope" I smile. But kyoya still smirks.
Kyoya moves his face close to mine, I can feel his breath on my lips and nose.
Kyoya: "how about now?" His eyes half lidded. I don't, I can't reply.
He grins, realising he won. He takes his hand of my cheek and leans back in his chair.

The next day in class, I end up sitting next to kyoya again, looks like this is my seat for the rest of the year. I don't like him, he's evil, But when my parents asked if I met anyone nice (aka, people they could get connections though) I had to mention kyoya Otori, his family was famous and HUGE. So I had to play nice with him, as I suspected that's what he was doing when he leant me his notes.

Being rich, it's hard to make real friends, and not just friends that want connections or your fame.

Kyoya: "how are you feeling today (y/n)?", I sigh again, I didnt really want to talk to him.
(y/n): "fine"
Kyoya: "will you be coming back to the host club?"
I think about it. I didn't really want to. But, one, I wanted to show him I wasn't afraid of him, and two, I had an evil plan (OK, not evil, but a way to escape him).
(y/n): "sure, I can chose another host right?" I ask innocently. He stares at me.
Kyoya: "I'm sorry. But once you chose a host, your stuck with them."
So much for that plan. But I could swear one of the girls told me you could....
(y/n): "eh, fine, whatever"
We both return to our work.

After class, on the way to the host club, I notice someone pacing in a corner. I decide to spy on them, until I find out who they are. Kyoya. He seems to be stressed. I don't really want to talk to him but I decide to talk to him (while he's feeling down ^_^).
(y/n): "what's wrong" I say in a sarcastic sympathetic tone.
Kyoya glares at me.
Kyoya: "I could tell you, but that comes at a price", he smiles, I'm starting to hate that smile.
Kyoya walks towards me and pulls me into a wall. Ouch.

(y/n): "dude.."
Kyoya: "my father called, telling me to try harder to befriend you!" He yells at me.
(y/n): "me?, because of my parents?" I ask nervous, I'm shaking, he's gripping me really hard.
Kyoya just nods.
(y/n): "I already told them about you and how nice you have been to me (much to my displeasure)"
Kyoya blinks a few times, then finally lets go, and starts laughing uncontrollably.

I stand still, he must have gone mad, loony. I make a move to get away, but he grabs my wrist and before I can process anything, he quickly kisses me (ON THE MOUTH, MY FIRST KISS!), before smirking and adjusting his gasses.
Kyoya: "I look forward to seeing you at the host club" he smiles as he walks off.

Ok then. I hesitate for a bit, before heading to music room 3.
And that's where I head for the rest of the year after classes.

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