Drocell x reader (black butler)

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The world glitters beneath me as I secretly fly over it. I'm an Angel, our job would be simple if it wasn't for those damn Demons, they steal precious souls, and those Grimm reapers too. They're all evil. My friend... Isn't the greatest Angel ever, but they're a friend, they're kinda obsessed with cleanness.

I'm trying to talk them out of... Burning down the world. I kinda like the world as it is. So I'm flying to see them in secret place.

Angela: "(y/n), your late"
(y/n): "hey, sorry, the wind kept pushing me back. So... What's up?"
Angela: "I'm putting my plan into action"
Oh great, the end of the world.
(y/n): "ok... What do you need me for?"
Angela: "I restored a soul to its body and filled it with straw, it is now mine to control. Unfortunately.."
She changes to her male persona, Ash
Ash: "I have to stay with the queen and be her body guard, AND I have to be a MAID to a stupid man!"
Ash seems angry. He looks my way with an evil glint.
Ash: "so, I need you to control the puppet, his job is simple, to create an army of pure, clean dolls"
Ash starts humming to himself. It sounds like 'London bridge is falling down'.

That song... The couple Angela had fused together a few years ago, that song was important. The poor boy they had left behind. I know Angela wants him. To purify him.

(y/n): "so, where do I go?"
Ash changes back to Angela and smiles brightly.


I arrive at an old hidden castle, it's scary and screams dangerous. Angels can't be killed easily like humans, but it's still scary. I knock on the door, holding the uniform from Ash. He told me to dress up a dummy to sit in a chair and pretend that was its master. I had other plans, but I had to oblige for now.

A man opens the door. His eyes are a deep purple and I'm entranced in his gaze. He has a tattoo under one of his eyes, adding to his mystery, his skin is shiny, like a dolls. He is of course a puppet. Once known as a mister Drocells Keins.
Drocell: "oh my, who might this be I wonder?", his voice is so monotone, so lifeless.
(y/n): "I'm (y/n), I am your master, you need to serve me from now on, do you understand?"

I had to remember, he wasn't alive, he was dead. He was meant to be dead, his soul needs to rest. I had to separate his soul from his body before he killed any more defenceless girls. I had to be rude. I had to pull his strings.

He seemed shocked, he slowly and almost mechanically bows. He rises and signals for me to enter.
The mansion is creepy, I gasp as i see a poor girl who's been transformed in the entrance. Her eyes show no soul, she is truly dead in every sense of the word. Her eyes are glazed over. What a terrible fate.
Drocell: "this way master", I ignore the girl for now as I follow behind him.
I follow his to a room, there is a chair. Only a chair. How fun.
Drocell: "if you need me to do anything, please just call"
He talks slow and clear. His eyes should be glazed over like the poor girls, but when I look at him, his gaze is so sharp, like it's alive, but his actions and voice betray him. He is dead.

(y/n): "actually, yes. I do need something" here I go
He turns his head to look at me after preparing to leave
Drocell: "yes, anything" he goes down on one foot like a prince.
(y/n): "stop kidnapping girls, stop turning people into dolls. I ORDER YOU to take care of the toy shop and nothing else, you are never to harm a single person again, in fact, you are never to touch another person again!"

I had to say it, until I figure out how to save this poor mans soul without killing him, I want him to experience normal life, well, as normal as it's going to get for him.

He stands up and narrows his eyes.
Drocell: "yes master", he bows again and tilts his hat.

The next few days are uneventful. I leave the costume on the seat, folded. I don't want to trick the poor thing. As I see him return from work, it sort of feels happy. The mansion is still a dark place, and I'm not looking forward to what happens to me when Angela finds out what I've done.

I destroyed the doll he had already made, her soul can now rest in piece, I watched her family as they grieved. I sent them the body, it was the right thing to do. I wish I could have done more.

Drocell: "(y/n), are you unhappy?"
His voice is still dead. His movements slow and broken. This poor man has been used in the most unkindest of ways... And yet I can't bare to separate his soul from his body.
(y/n): "are you? Speak truthfully"
He stares for a moment.
Drocell: "I am thinking to myself recently, I am not unhappy. I have a reason to exist, I have a master, and you helped get rid of the termites in my ears"
I laugh, what a strange thing to say. To be controlled, I'd think it must be horrible, but to him, it's his whole existence.

But I couldn't stay here with him forever. His soul had to be freed.
(y/n): "would you be happier resting? Being free?"
He tilts his head.
Drocell: "to be honest. I think not. I am thinking... This right now is nice."
(y/n): "but.. Your soul... It shouldn't be like this"

Drocell: "I fear death."
(y/n): "what?" I ask. Shocked at his strange comment. He is already dead.
Drocell: "I am fearful of what comes next. I dislike darkness. You have brought light here, to my existence. I'm am grateful."
(y/n): "Drocell... You do know right? Your not..." I trail off.
Drocell: "I already died. I should be dead. But I got a second chance."

A second chance? Not exactly.
I go to argue, but when I look into his eyes, they look so alive, so full of emotion. The eyes are the windows to the soul, and his soul is fighting for a life, fighting to keep his second chance.

The only thing I can do is stay. I walk up to him, and hug him.
(y/n): "Drocell, you have the strongest soul I have ever seen, how could I ever take that away from you"
I cry as he slowly wraps his hands around me in an embrace. He's a little cold.

Angela found out. She is furious that I betrayed her. It wasn't a huge part of her plan, but it was still important to her. Now she would come for me, and if she found out that Drocell was still here, she could take back control of him. I really didn't want that, he seemed so happy with how things were at the moment, I was even working on improving his body (using better, more stable materials).

He was at work. Selling toys to children was his life now (and then coming home and basically being my butler). I had tidied up the mansion too, made it feel more like a home. It wasn't scary at all now.
But we had to run, Angela was stronger than me.

Drocell finally arrived from work.
(y/n): "Drocell... Uh..." I mutter, not wanting to tell him the bad news.
Drocell: "there's something happening, isn't there?"
His face forms a frown which had just been a smile.
(y/n): "someone very powerful is coming, if they find you, they will surely turn you back to your life just before I came here"
Drocell frowns even further.
Drocell: "and what about you?"
(y/n): "they will most likely kill me", he looks down at this.

Drocell: "I'll pack up the shop", I stare. Why
(y/n): "why?", he stares at me and smiles.
Drocell: "we need to move correct? Somewhere they won't find us, where we can be happy and..." He pauses.
Drocell: "and free, together, forever"

And that's what we do. We pack up everything, leave an apology letter to Angela, and I fly us far far away. Maybe one day, when Angela is gone, we will go back, but who knows how long that will be. I am regretful that I cannot be around to help the poor Phantomhive Boy, but Drocells happiness is everything to me now, I'm in love with a dead man.

Anime characters X reader (in progress)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ