Mizuki x reader (kamisama kiss)

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I almost died today.

I was walking along the river, wondering why I exist. No one noticed me, ever. I was part of the background, at school and at home. My parents never payed any attention to me and at school, no one ever said hello or even look my way, they found it very easy to ignore me.

Sometimes I wondered if I was invisible.

While walking along the river, the wind was very strong, and it had been raining, the ground was all muddy. The wind assured me I wasn't dreaming, I was a solid object, but then the wind came on too strong and I slipped. As I was falling, I wondered if this was the end, and I wondered if anyone would notice I was gone. I felt kinda happy to have all of it end.

The water hurt as I first hit it, it was cold and soaked my clothes, I struggled by impulse, but it didn't help, I rose to the top a few times, but the current was too strong and I was soon pulled under.

So this is the end... It's calm. I closed my eyes. Preparing myself, letting go of my last breath.

But I hear splashing, I open my eyes, it's blurry but there's a figure heading towards me. Something wraps around my waist. If this is a rescue, it's too late, I'm out of breath and I can't think. The world goes black.

------Mizukis p.o.v-----

I heard something splash hard, someone fell into the river. Why wasn't Yunomora (?) here, this was why she came here in the first place. Maybe she'd reappear to save this person.

No one is coming to help this girl. I have to face it, she's not coming back, and this girl will die if I don't help her. I sigh as I dive into the water, using my powers to create a snake to ride on to get there faster. I wrap my hands around her waist, she's not breathing, I grab onto my snake and we shortly arrive back at the shrine.

I use magic to expel the water she swallowed and check if she's breathing. She's not. Shoot
I have to perform CPR.

I start chest compressions and breaths. After a little while, she coughs and starts breathing again.

I did it. YES. I saved her.
Mizuki: "what now?", I look down at her, she's shivering in her sleep.
I pick her up and bring her into the shine, I lay her on a futon and leave her to prepare a small meal for when she wakes up. After that, she's to leave.

--------(your p.o.v)-------

I almost died... But I didn't, well, I think I didn't, I'm still breathing. I seem to be in someone's house... Oops. I'll just sneak out.

I sit up and my head hurts. The world spins for a bit, when it stops spinning, someone is standing in front of me.
Mizuki: "oh good, your awake, I'm Mizuki, I saved your life, here eat!"
Who is this? Mizuki? He saved me. Sure.
(y/n): "uh, thank you.", I take the bowl, it smells kinda gross. I don't want to know what's in it...
He stares at me as I take my first bite. GROSS! I struggle to keep a smile.
(y/n): "it's good, thanks."
Mizuki: "good, finish that and then you can leave" he smiles.

What if I can't finish this? I'm gonna puke.
He turns and leaves. I look at my bowl and frown. Why did he have to save me, it shouldn't have even been possible. I am kinda glad I'm alive, in fact, I've never felt more alive.

But where am I? This place... It's like it's frozen in time or something. It's eerie. And who is that man? Mizuki.. He's kinda scary and cold hearted. But he saved me. Is he all alone here? There's no one else that I can tell.

I tip the contents of the bowl out a window and walk out the door. I see Mizuki.
(y/n): "um, Mizuki?", he turns around. "Thank you for the food and for rescuing me"
Mizuki: "don't mention it"
No one says anything for a bit.
(y/n): "uhh, Mizuki.... Where is this place?", he looks down.
Mizuki: "it's nowhere" he says in a harsh tone.

That's the end of that conversation. I look around, and outside is a cherry blossom tree.
(y/n): "oh my.. Wow", I walk towards it.
Mizuki: "it's wonderful, is it not?", he stands becides me.
(y/n): "it is, it's beautiful... But..."
Mizuki: "but what?" He glares at me.
(y/n): "well, from this entire place, I get the same feeling, even from this tree... I feel loneliness...", Mizuki goes wide eyed.

He narrows his eyes
Mizuki: "this place.. It shouldn't still be here... Not without her..."
(y/n): "did you lose someone?", he nods.
(y/n): "why do you stay?"
Mizuki: "I couldn't leave this tree"
(y/n): "but your so lonely...", he laughs.

Mizuki: "it's not like I stay here all the time, I go out sometimes, lucky I did, otherwise you would have drowned."
(y/n): "yer, pity" I mutter, he hears.
He grabs my arms
Mizuki: "don't think like that, life is precious, don't wish it away!"
(y/n): "easy for you to say, YOU DONT KNOW HOW I...", I stare at him. He kinda does know how I feel.

I'm talking to someone. We might be fighting, but that's evidence that we're talking. I haven't talked to anyone is so long.

(y/n): "can I stay.. Here...?", he stares at me again.
Mizuki: "why?"
(y/n): "well, then you will have someone to talk to, I'll have someone to talk to... I can cook my own meals... I can .... Clean?", I sigh, "I don't want to go back, I died out there, I live only in here."

He considers it for a while.

Mizuki: "you promise never to leave?"b
(y/n): "yes."
Mizuki: "ok, fine.. But you have to promise to look after this tree"
(y/n): "of course"

Mizuki: "deal", we shake hands.
Mizuki: "by the way........ What was your name again?"
Really? =_=
(y/n): "it's (y/n)"
Mizuki: "ohh, nice to meet you (y/n)"

-----about a week later-----

I wake up to the same scary sounds, except with each day, they sound more and more pleasant. I rub my eyes and that's when I notice a weird mark on my hand. It's like a red coil around my hand.

I walk out into the main area
(y/n): "hey, Mizuki... Do you know what this is? I woke up with it..."
He looks up and smiles (his smile can either be cute or scary, this time it's scary)
Mizuki: "that's my proposal to you, I know it's kinda sudden, but we have known each other for a whole week and at first I didn't really like you, but after staying for so long you've grown on me like a parasite" he smiles as he walks towards me. I still don't understand.

(y/n): "wait. WHAT?" , he laughs as he wraps his hands around my waist.
Mizuki: "it means we're engaged, you, and I, together forever now"
Before I even have a chance to reply, he brings his lips to mine and kisses me.

I stare at him, wide eyed in shock.
(y/n): "what, Mizuki, this is a joke, right?"
Mizuki: "I wouldn't joke about something like this", his face turns very serious.

I'm about to reply but he suddenly picks me up and walks towards a bedroom.
(y/n): "Mizuki... What are you doing?"
Mizuki: "celebrating our honeymoon early"
I blush. Wait, no, why am I blushing!
(y/n): "Mizuki wait!"

He ignores me, well, kinda, he hums to himself and kisses me again as we enter the room. He plops me down on a futon and lies over me. Woah. Wait. No.
Mizuki: "oh, also, I'm a yokai, a snake spirt, okay?" He asks in an innocent voice.
To be honest, I kinda guessed after I saw him transform into a snake at one point.
(y/n): "that's fine but-" he cuts me off with another kiss.

So. To sum up. I live in a shrine frozen in time with a snake yokai, to whom I'm engaged. Ok.
It's still better than my life before. I love Mizuki. I truely do. He can be a little scary at times, but he can also be funny, and he's always looking out for others.... In his own way.

The next morning. I turn to see Mizuki, his beautiful long eyelashes cast a shade over his eyes, he's sleeping like an angel. I reach out to touch his hair, but his hand shoots out from the covers.
His eyes open.
Mizuki: "oh, ready for round two huh?" He smirks a little, ah oh.

What a crazy, amazing life.

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