The Realization

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The music was pounding The neon lights going everywhere. Bodies were swaying left and right,it smelled like sweat and sex and Louis LOVED IT. The bass of the music was traveling up and down his spine. His hips were swinging left and right as he listened to the tech-music,his hands moved up and down his waist one hand gripping his thighs and the other running up his sides. Louis licked his lips as he fell deeper and deeper into the music, everything...everything was to much the bodies, the music, the smell ohh the smell. Louis moaned as he felt it the tightening of his stomach, the weakness in his legs. Louis felt it "no no" suddenly he stop dancing stopped swaying stopped...moving "no please not here"


Harry was at the bar of the club it was packed. Well not really but it was enough people for him. "Another" Harry said as he took a shot "ughh" he breathed as the liquor hit the back of his throat. He around looking for someone, ANYONE really, it's been so long since he had someone and his alpha was 'dying'. Harry looked around and when he saw him,in the middle of the dancefloor,his hips moving left and right left and right. The guy was squeezing his ever-so-thick thighs and Harry's mouth went dry. Harry wondered how they would feel in his hands, Harry imagined he could pick him up with no problem fuck him against the wall, slam inside him over and over agai- "yup he's the one" Harry thought as he turned back around and took the last shot back, he hissed as it burned his throat "hits the spot everytime" he thought. Harry turned back around but the guy the sexy ass guy was



Louis rushed inside the bathroom "thank goodness" he thought as no one was in there. Louis ran to the last stall and locked the door "no no please not-" He was cut off as a streak of pleasure zipped down his back, Louis bit his lower lip as he felt it go straight to he crotch. "No please I-I'll go home and give you wa-want you want just please" Louis moaned as another streak ran down his back "please" he arched as one more wave hit him before the tightness in his stomach loosed up a bit. Louis shook his head and took a big breath


Louis needed to get home like...Now!

Louis walked out the bathroom slowly the tightness was still there and if he moved to quickly..well he didn't want to think about that. The music was still loud, sending vibrations out through his whole body. It still smelled like sex and he whimpered

"Sex gimme that i want sex" his omega whispered "ok ok ju-just wait" Louis thought. He walked through the crowd trying so so hard NOT to be bumped into, he needed to find Liam or Niall if he founded Niall he find Liam and Liam had the keys, Louis searched and searched then finally he found them middle of the dancefloor grinding on each other. Louis walked over to them his body tensing as he felt like he was being dragged into a dark hole. "Liam" Louis whispered Niall and Liam were still in their own little world so Louis said it a little bit louder "LiaM" both boys looked up and froze, Niall detached from Liam "Louis y' alight mate?" Louis shook his head slowly "No" he whispered "What's wrong mate?" Liam asked, Louis bit his lips as Liam talked his alpha scent was out and it was driving Louis crazy "I-I need to go home" "why" Niall asked now worried "yeah mate what's wrong" Liam asked again. Louis looked left and right he lower his voice as low as he could they were wolfs they could still here him

"I'm in heat"


Tell me what you guys.....girls think(: ohh and stay tuned because shits. About. To. Go. Down.(;

Omega(Larry Stylinson)Book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu