The Desperation

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Both of their eyes went big "lou" Niall said carefully but Louis, Louis was out of it. His whole body was on fire, his nipples were hard, his dick was throbbing, his head was drenched in sweat and his hole ohh his hole was clenching on..on.. NOTHING and he needed SOMETHING. "Louis, Louis come back to us" Liam said lowly, his voice traveled down Louis's spine and this time Louis couldn't hold back his moan "I-I need...I need something....please" "Louis" Niall said "we're..we're gonna get you out of here ok" Louis's eyes were closed and his breathing slowed down "Louis?" Liam said but Louis wasn't here oh no Louis was somewhere else

"please please just let me get out of the club and-and I'll give you what you need"

"NO NO I WANT IT NOW!" Louis's wolf yelled, omega's are submissive wolfs but when their in heat...when their in heat they lose control.

"I just- I just need to get home and-"

"NO LOUIS no home look around all these alpha's and beta's here to take take us c'mon louis Let them take ussss" the wolf hissed and suddenly a spark of fire went down Louis's back so strong so strong that his legs almost went weak.

"please" Louis whimpered his one last attempt to his wolf

"just feel it Louis" his wolf whispered

"just feel it'

Louis slowly flowed back to his senses the music slowly became louder and the need to have something in him became stronger. "lou lou' niall repeated "we didn't touch you 'cause we know you were talking to..well it" Louis looked around but everything was blurry like he was on drugs..drugs that made him horny as fuck. "C'mon Lou lets get you out here" Niall went to grab Louis's hand but Liam grabbed Niall's wrist before he could "you can't touch him remember any touch can set him off" and it seemed like as soon as Liam said that everything got worst. The song that started playing was dark and sexy and it made Louis moan deep in his throat, the bass of it vibrated the floor, it traveled through the mass of bodies and snaked up his legs making his head spin. The crowd seem to enjoy the song because everyone grabbed a partner and started to grind, it was like the song screamed sex but the song had no word it all, it was only a beat, a beat that had every person in the club going crazy and not good crazy no no sex crazy and for Louis right now that was the worst crazy you could have.

The smell of sex bloomed from everybody in club and Louis was going insane. Bodies were grinding left and right, he try to move but he couldn't too many bodies too many- and that's when it happened someone brushed into him their hand skimmed over his bum and then he felt it.

Louis gasped, he gripped his shirt as his knees bend and went weak "Lou" Niall said but it was too late. Louis breath quicken and sweat dripped from his head down his neck into his shirt the material of his shirt kept glazing over his nipple and he just..he just couldn't he..he didn't know what to do he just..he just "UUGGG" Louis moaned into the air, his back arched as his neck blew back. Louis's knees went weak as his slick poured out his hole, and Louis just couldn't stop moaning it felt so good to FINALLY FINALLY release. Louis slowly drifted back to his sense and when he came back there..there was no music, no fast blinking-neon lights, no bodies moving left OR right, nope nun of that, just eyes. All eyes were on him.Guys looked at him like he was meat a well-cut, nice and thick juicy piece of meat and the ladies oh the females were just as bad looking him up and down some doing it twice some peeking at his bum other peeking at his thighs, they all wanted to have a tasted of him and they all looked determined to have that taste. But the worst part was his body was willing his body was ever so willing

"come on lou"

"no I-I wont"

"come on"

"stop please s-see what you d-did I wont even make it out here alive"

"I know. That was the plan, you'll should have just listened"

"Louis" Niall said cautiously "Louis we need to get you out of here ok" niall whispered. "Ok" Louis said softly "Ok come towards us and Be careful". Louis nodded and slowly took one step forward

And that's when all hell broke loose.


Hey babes tell me what you think ok because we only have gotten started(= please vote and try to comment!!! 

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