Chapter uno/ one : Yui's and Yuki's arrival

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( On the taxi)

Yuki and yui were on the taxi riding to a friend of their ' father ' Yuki knows that he really isn't her father but yui doesn't as they were riding Yuki is listening to her mp 3 , and yui is a lil nervous.

~~~~~~~~LIL TIME SKIP~~~~~~~

" n-nee- Chan we are already here". " nnhh" , yui pokes Yuki 's cheek to wake her up " nee-Chan? " , Yuki grabs yui is wrist " don't call me nee - Chan yui , you know that I hate that" " sorry " 'nii' , we already came" , as they got out Yuki paid for the taxi and rode fast away " wonder why he went away fast ? Right onee-Chan " no respond from yui " nee....chan" as she...


Fourth wall break: Yuki : Hey I already told you to call me a boy , didn't I

ME : Sorry sorry , don't blame me I forgot.

Yuki: Next time remember or I will search for you, I will find you , and I will kill you ( merciless )

me: Ok ok sorry , well back to the story.


' HE 'turned around he saw a house wait not a house a ... FREAKIN MANSION / CASTLE!!?, " nee-Chan hurry up lets go " Yuki said and felt a drop come down " I think is going to rain ☔" , yui went running so she doesn't get wet, but Yuki enjoyed it by walking only,


it began to rain and Yuki is getting wet " onee , I mean onii-kun hurry up" I was beginning to knock on the door but nobody answer " maybe they are not here soo...... Lets go back " " really onee , I MEAN onii - kun " then the door opens but I don't see nobody there " hello!!???" " Yuki screamed" onii don't scream this isn't our house" she shrugs" hope the got sweets like..." O please don't say it onii" " CHOCOLATE!!" " onii, what did I say don't scream" " sort onee-Chan ... Oops I just noticed my glasses got wet"

~normal POV ~

as Yuki was about to take off her glasses yui just put her hand and cleaned them without taking them off, " d-don't take the off"" ?", as Yuki began searching around Yui found something in the couch no ... Wait its someone...........

who is this person ? What will happen next? And this is weird and I am freakin hungry!! If you don't lil it tell me so I can not continue.......maybe or I will not lists and still continue if you don't like I then ... DON'T FREAKIN READ IT!!

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