Chapter dos/two: The Samaki brothers

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Yui POV ~

as I was looking and making my ' brother ' stop yelling I saw a man with red hair on the sofa so I tried to wake him up " h-hello sir " I touched him and he was cold " sir ? Are you ok you feel cold" I checked his pulse and didn't feel his pulses " SIR? ARE YOU OK!? Yuki I can't feel his pulse we need to call 911"

~ Back to Yuki 's POV ~

I heard my sister saying about the tomato 🍅 ( his new nick name ) head not having pulse , I just felt sleepy so.......... I just went and sleep on top of him

~ ???? POV ~ ( didn't expect that?)

I suddenly heard annoying voices and weight on top of me so I woke up taking the blonde haired girl phone away " Tch so annoying". And then I saw a blue haired boy on top of me , as I was about to push him away from me, he had a really good scent ( T-T ... Pervert) but then came the though of me being gay so.... I pushed him off of me and took the girls wrist and pinned her down.....

~ Yuki 's POV ~

HE THREW ME OFF!! , as I was about to get up I heard my dear yui whimpering and saw tomato head licking her neck so I got his collar and threw him off of her " Don't touch her with your filthy hands" I glared at him then heard someone else " Ayato , what did I tell you about doing this in your room" I glared at the butler looking man.

~ time skip cause .... Well just cause I'm lazy ~

~ 3 POV ~

as they were in the living room another man came" Ara Ara ~ is it true there is a cute human girl here ?~ " " Tch , another stupid man "

~ Yuki 's POV ~

" Ara. Ara~ is it true there is a cute human girl here?~ " " Tch, another stupid man " they just seem to be coming , I didn't pay much attention as I let my big sis do all the talking and saw two man lick my sister... REALLY LICK !? I had to control my anger or then my wings will come out and they will know ! When another 3. Man came. ( he really does not care what they have to say so she doesn't pay much attention) and then 4 eyes introduced them. All " that is shu the oldest brother " 4 eyes pointed at sleepy ( just coming up with nicknames) " I'm reiji the second oldest , that is Ayato the oldest of the triplets" " I'll take your all first times" says tomato head " Tch , Baka ( idiot ) " tomato head just glared at me " that is kanato , the second oldest " " please let me sample you again ". Kawaii creepy said " that is laito " " fu fu ~ bitch- Chan ~ slut - kun~ lets have fun later~ " ( I will write other things that the anime cause I forgot what they actually say) pervert say " and that is Subaru "" don't you dare mess with me" tsunder said" this must be a mistake we are going to leave" my awesome onee - Chan said ( even if she is weak Yuki looks up to her ) yui grabbed Yuki is hand and started to walk away " yo , chinchinashi you can't go anywhere without this " tomato head has my sister phone and putting it up high and nee Chan is trying hard to get it " tomato he's give my nee Chan her phone back ! " as I was going to get the phone ( ha flip phone ! Sorry I had to do that ) but then tsunder got I and crushed it " Tch annoying" " h-hey why did you do that !?" " fu fu ~ bitch Chan you are not going to need it, cause you are going to stay with us ~ " " I grabbed my sister and pulled her away from the stupid men, since the beginning they have been sending weird vibes and I don't like it, but I think I pulled too hard cause it cause us to fall but as my sister protector I had her strong" ouch " pain went to my arm and saw I just cut myself" Tch , I got cut , onee - Chan are you alright"" yes , are you ok " " just a lil cut " I sense something strange and looked at the guys who their eyes are glowing , and I knew what it meant they were










They were VAMPIRES!! We had to get out of there and my sister just took her cross out " Nee- Chan that doesn't work" I spoke calmly" oh a smart human ? " said 4 eyes , I wasn't scared of me getting hurt ( well cause 'he' is a fallen angel dawh) I was afraid my yui will so that instant I grabbed her and started running and then she took over by dragging me faster the last thing heard in there was " they need disaplent ( don't know how to spell)" and we started running around the mansion.

~3rd POV ~

as they were running they saw kanato and sweets , sooo Yuki trying to get chocolate 🍫 but yui still dragging 'him' and then trying to get the phone work and saw laito but escaped as fast as you could and then saw Ayato who you hit in the head and heard him laugh like a mad man, your sister yui was too fast for you so you lost her and found something shining near a window in the moon 🌑 and you got close to see what it was and found a............


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