chapter tres/three:a little memory

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As she fs Yuki went to check what it waound a golden pocket watch, as she grabbed it some unknown memories came...
~ Yuki POV ~
as I grabbed the pocket watch something in my mind came , it was what seemed to be a memory of someone ...
----memory ---
???: Come on lets play a lil more ( a red headed boy told a lil blue headed girl)
???: But I'm too tired ( a little blue headed girl told the boy , she looks like me when I was lil)
???: Come on ---- just a -- she's coming to get me hide!!
???: But she is going to hurt you!
???: It's ok --- just hide
as she went to hiding the lil boy went to a purple headed woman she slapped him and pushed him to the lil river, the only problem is that he didn't know how to swim and was drowning the lil girl saw everything and was covering her mouth so her cries for him would not be heard
---- end f memory ----
~ 3rd POV ~
as Yuki got out of the lil memory she heard a scream that sounded like her sister, so she went running to the open door and saw her sister unconscious and the vampires noticed ' his presence
~ Yuki POV ~
I saw my dear sister unconscious on the floor surrounded by the vampires" ARA ARA ~ is bitch Chan brother gonna join us ~? Fu fu fu~ " said pervert"
~ 3rd POV ~
how dare you touch my precious doll " Yuki said in a low dangerous tone with a smirk " i will make you regret you even dare touch my doll" Yuki said with her smirk vanishing and she started to glare as she was going to attack she was knocked out ( oooh that cold , jk) and by Subaru " Tch , annoying brat" and then they carried Yuki and yui to there room , but no one knew one of the brothers recognized the different presence...........

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