Diet and nutrition

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What do fruit and vegetables do to help your body?

Eating lots of fruit and vegetables will have a great impact on your body! If you have not had enough then there are studies that prove that you will have a 19% chance of cancers of the digestive system, 31% chance of heart disease and a dreaded 11% chance of stroke. This is because fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals which keep the body healthy. You need these in your life to survive and they will also help burn that unwanted fat too! Fruit and Vegetables are very low in calories which means you can eat as much as you like without putting on masses of weight which is because they are full of vitamins, fibre, and antioxidants. I will explain which fruits and vegetables are better for you in the next chapter and include why other foods might be better or worse for you.

Will eating nuts help your body at all?

Nuts can target abdominal fat which affects more than just your appearance. Having a larger stomach can increase risks of cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases so nuts will have a healthy place in the diet, however, remember that nuts alone won't help you lose weight. Nuts are good sources of two main nutrients that help to lose weight which is protein and fibre. Protein is important because it increases satiety better than carbohydrates or fat as well as it boosting your metabolism when it passes through your digestive system! Fibre, on the other hand, can fill you up quicker by slowing down the movement of food from your stomach in addition to delaying the increase in ghrelin which is a hormone that causes you to feel hungry. So nuts can be extremely helpful to your diet and lose weight.

Will carbs hinder me more than help?

Carbohydrates release energy to you throughout the day and are found in fruit, veg, bread, pasta and dairy products. Your body needs carbs to produce glucose which is your bodies main energy source, therefore, you do need carbs in a diet. You should limit them though to a healthy amount. The average recommended amount of carbs in a healthy diet is 158 grams so if we want to lose the belly fat the recommended would be 126 grams. You can find out your exact amount on this website linked here though

Is meat needed for a healthy diet?

Forever as humans we have eaten meat so our digestive systems are evolved around meat intake to make use of their fats and proteins as we as humans are omnivores which were only because we have a shorter digestive system than herbivores and don't have specialised organs to digest things like cellulose from plants. Meat contains nutrients we need as humans too although there are very important reasons why we shouldn't be eating the stuff as well. You could use ethical reasons as an argument such as the reason for indignation at the 100 million tons of grain used for biofuels is because more than seven times as much grain (760 million tons) is fed to farmed animals so that people can eat meat! That is so much food we can end world hunger with! In addition to this, there are ethical reasons such as helping the environment and stopping the torture then the eventual slaughter of animals. But we are not here to discuss ethical reasons against eating meat, this is about what will keep our bodies at their peak. From not consuming meat we will avoid getting bird flu, it will prolong your life by up to 10 years, it will avoid heart disease, reduce your risk of cancer and help you fit into that cute swim costume you have always wanted to wear! It won't build up that nasty unsaturated fat in your arteries anymore, which would prevent heart disease as it won't be able to block blood flow. Meat is not needed for a healthy diet, the vegan diet is the healthiest diet and most efficient which has been proven by many scientists although it can be a great source of protein and vitamins if you want to eat it as we all have human rights of choice.  

So what diet choices are there?

Well, I believe you should all begin with the military diet when losing weight! I am starting a diet I made based on this diet after my prom to lose weight before my trip to Florida in August 2016. The original diet is seen here: (this is not my creation and do not have any claims or product placement on the diet.)

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