Tips and Tricks!

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* When running play some fast paced music to keep you in the mood

* Grab a friend to keep you motivated or to even do it with so that you can feel like part of a team effort. 

* Buy really nice clothes for exercise so you always feel pumped for working out. For instance, I have these leggings that are so nice and comfy but I can't wear them unless I do my workout first

* Drink lots of water to keep hydrated and to keep you feeling full!

* Don't resort to unhealthy habits like not eating because it will lead to eating disorders or anaemia so you will end up not being able to eat. It will also lead to binging which will make you put on the weight again.

* Look at yourself in a mirror whenever you can and think about how you would rather feel or look! If you're thinking negatively about yourself then there's always this book to help you.

* Set yourself goals! My goals are to be 100lbs by the time I go to Florida which is a healthy weight for my height but would also mean I could feel skinny.

* Make any activity you do fun! The routines are great for keeping on track but once you can move on to other activities you enjoy then the sooner it will be easier to keep fit. These activities could be sport such as football or swimming!

*Make physical activity part of your routine so that you will feel off if you don't do it

*Keep a diary of everything you eat and everything you work off to keep your mind on those goals constantly. I did this and it was the smallest I'd been when I had tried losing weight.

* Reward yourself with things such as new shoes or a new dress you can finally fit into! But do not rewards yourself with unhealthy binging foods because you will just put all the weight back on. You are not a dog!

* Make sure you pace yourself if you need a couple days off because you're busy or ill then do. Health is a process, not a fast remedy to looking attractive.

If you have any other tips or tricks to help then comment them bellow and I'll add them to the page!

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