Tuesday, Dec , 30

273 22 11

Hey diary ! I am actually getting a hang of writing in my diary hahah!
It feels so weird to write down your thoughts . So , yesterday I couldn't write much because Ahsan was being extra annoying and I was too upset to write in detail about my life . I guess I should write a proper intro about my self diary so, you should know what kinda person am I lol !
Ok , so my name is Somia Abdul I am sixteen and my height is 5'3 and half and I am just a bit chubby and my favorite bands are Coldplay , Jal and Junoon. And I like to listen to old Indian and pakistani songs Lol! Not that old songs you know mostly songs from the 90's because I grew up listening to these songs. And I like to read books and I love animals but my dadee ama has asthma and she can't be near furry animals like cats or dogs or else her asthma acts up. My dad's I.e my Baba's name is Abdul Kareem and he is a landlord.
My mother I.e my Ami died 6 years ago due to cancer so, it's just me, my baba, my brother and daadi ama. Mostly baba is not around because he goes to the village for weeks to look after our land and we live in the city with daadi ama. We have a maid mai Sughra who basically cleans the house and wash our clothes, a cook cha cha Fazloo, the driver cha cha Afzal and our old chowkidar cha cha Raheem.
All of them have been working for baba when I was just a baby except for cha cha Raheem. He has been working since my baba was in college .
Sometimes mai Sughra brings her kids with her especially during vacations or in weekends. She has 4 children. Her oldest daughter Haseena is 14 years old and her son Arbaz is 10 and we Sometimes play together her other two kids are twins one boy Hamid and one girl Reema and are just 4 years old . Sometimes me and Haseena play dress up with the twins to kill time and the twins just love it!
Mai Sughra was probably 13 or 14 years old since she started working and before she used to work here she worked for someone else for 3 years.
She left her previous job because her employers were kinda cruel and made her work for 12 straight hours and she use to cook, clean the house , look after their little children and also used to do other little chores on top of all the work load she had ! She told me that they were very verbally abusive people and even though she worked like a mule she got minimum pay. It's sad to see that people treat their domestic workers like second hand citizens. Man you haven't bought them ! They are basically your employees not your slaves treat them with kindness and give them a break who works for 12 straight hours man ! That's insane ! And she was like 13 or 14 man ! Insane! She basically first came here to look after me and then my brother and she has been looking after me since I was an year old and then she looked after my brother but when we grew older then she started cleaning the house and washing our clothes. She says she can't leave us because we are like her own children and my parents and daadi ama also treated her with kindness and we are basically her family.
Cha cha Fazloo just mostly keep to himself and don't talk much and same is the case with cha cha Afzal but the difference is that cha cha Afzal smiles a lot while cha cha fazloo seldom has a smile on his face. But cha cha Raheem used to tell us stories when we used to be little kids and sometimes he still do tell stories especially when the weather is nice and cold and we just sit in the back garden near servant quarters with tea or coffee in our hands and he just does a little bonfire thing and tell us stories about brave heroes and the monsters that they fight with to save villages from the monsters wrath. He is very expressive when he tells the stories and we just imagine our selves in different land. You must be thinking I am 16 and too old for this kinda thing but I refuse to believe that I am too old to hear stories. Listening to stories and reading them is part of my life. My ami used to tell me stories about mermaids and fairies and kind little girls and boys , my dadee ama also sometimes tell us stories about her own life ! Everyone has a story to tell so, you are basically never too old to listen to other people's stories whether they are fictitious or real.
That's all for today diary I guess I told you a lot about my self.
Bye peace and love .

Note : hey readers hope you like this chapter it's a bit longer.
Oh for the people who do not know sindhi( my native language) or Urdu(Pakistan's national language)  dadi amaa means paternal grandmother and chowkidaar means security guard. Hope you guys like this story
Peace and love :*

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