Wednesday, Dec 31st

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Hey diary ! So, tomorrow is going to be a new Year. You know what they say new year , new beginnings , new me lol! Don't know what's this year is gonna bring for me. I am hoping that this year brings a lot of happiness for everyone. Doesn't hurt to think positive once in a while.
So, new year is just few hours away and now I should make new years resolutions . Let's just make a list of my resolutions here.
My new years resolutions
1. From now on I will try to act more mature.
2. I will try to be more responsible.
3. Be kind to others
4. Be patient
5. Be a little less lazy.
Ok, I don't know how am I gonna do all that lol ! Specially the patient part with a brother like mine patience doesn't come easy!
Hey guess what diary Baba is going to come from village in a few days ! Maybe in two or three days! Don't really know exactly when but he is gonna call tomorrow and tell us on which day he will be coming. Finally we get to spend some time with him before school starts. I will see him after 3 months ! It's been the longest he had ever been away from home since I was born! But I guess it's harvesting season that's why he is so busy .
Dadee amaa said that he is going to stay at home for a whole 3 weeks ! Usually baba goes to the village every week for 4,5 days. So , basically
he is home only for 2 days out of 7 days of the week and sometimes he just stays in the village for a month or month and a half due to harvesting season or thrashing season or because of some other problem or because he has to solve disputes among the 'haris' or explain to them to how to use new machinery or how to plant and grow good quality hybrid seeds because people in the village specially the 'haris' have no formal education about how to maintain a farm and they sometimes have difficulty in understanding the workings of machine or how hybrid seeds are different than ordinary seeds and need a different kind of care. It's sad to see that we still have to modernize a lot because still many 'haris'use the traditional methods of farming but my baba uses modern machines and new methods for farming and though he says we still have a long way to go but he is optimistic that one day farmers all over the country will be specialized in using the modern machinery.
My Baba is a man of few words but when he speaks about our land and farm in the village he always seems so passionate and optimistic. He love his work that's for sure.

That's all for today I just hope this time the neighbors keep it down with the 'hawai firing ' because dadee amaa is not well and had a bit of cough and head ache today and she just took the medicine and went to sleep half an hour ago. All those 'shodas' always disturbs someone's sleep or make someone's kid afraid with all their 'hawai firing' just to celebrate new year man you can do that some place else far far away from residential areas you morons !! ugh!! I hate these type of jerks ! They do all that just to look manly ! Bro, that's the most un manly and idiotic thing to do in my opinion ! I am just getting angry I should stop writing now.Bye diary !

Note : hey guys hope you liked this chapter :) again I apologize for my bad English :) Trying to make less and less grammatical errors :)
Guys I will be using some sindhi terms which is my native language and some Urdu terms which is the national language of Pakistan ( my home country)
The word 'hari' that I used is a word form sindhi language which means farmer :)
Urdu words are 'hawai firing' which means aerial firing
And 'shodas' which basically means show offs :)
Love and peace :*

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