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Hello diary it's been a week since I have written anything here because I was super busy and also I forgot to take you with me. I had just about the best week of my life.
Snow was falling in Murree and I had a dozen snow ball fights with my cousins and Ahsan but unfortunately because we were being careless and extremely childish (according to baba ) we caught a cold and now I am just sitting here in my room soaking my feet in warm water bucket and writing all this. I love to soak my feet in warm water whenever I get the flu. Baba and dadee ama are against this habit of mine because they think that it will make my cold worse because even when the water gets a bit cold I don't remove my feet from the bucket and it just drives them crazy that's why I have the bucket in my room and have locked the door so they can't find out what am I doing.
So, school is going to start from Monday and I am dreading it already.
Because A) I am sick and I just hate everything right now and B) when I am sick I get annoyed and act like a brat(according to Ahsan ) he is kinda right I do act mean and have no patience when I get sick . I don't know it's like sickness bring out the worst in me.
C) we will get our mid term results so, I am freaking out big time. I am one of those students who never get positions but who are also above average performers. I mean I get highest scores in subjects like urdu and history and pretty decent scores in science subjects ( with the exception of physics ) and do poorly in maths :/
I hate mathematics. Period.
I hate algebra, geometry, and I just hate word problems the most . Ugh ugh ugh . Like those problem John has ten apples Allee had 6 Moe had none now calculate the mass of the the sun . Ugh ugh ugh. Last year I failed in mathematics but got promoted to next grade because my overall percentage was good. This time I have worked so hard just to get 60%( the just pass grade) . Baba got so upset last time because both of his kids are struggling with maths Ahsan got a 'C' but he was like in 6th grade.
I manage to just pass in maths after 6th grade but failed mathematics in prep 3 last year. I also have to give my first 'O' levels exams this year. No math paper  this year thankfully. Although, there will be math classes.  Just exam of three subjects Pakistan studies , Islamiat and urdu this year. My history is good but geography is bad. I have difficulty in reading maps and in my Pakistan studies paper I have to like recognise rivers and important places of Pakistan . I don't know how will I be able to do that ugh . I can't believe I am already worrying about my 'O' levels exams which are in May. The mocks are in March though( no maths in mocks)
May be I will get tuition of Pakistan studies so that I can do good in geography paper.
That's it for today diary. I have faith In Shaa Allah I will do good.
Oh gotta go and pray Isha .

Note: hey guys hope you liked this chapter. I know I have been absent for two weeks but I was and still am super busy. First I was busy in Eid now busy in organizing MUN. wish me luck.
P.s Isha prayer is one of the five daily prayers in Islam. Muslims have to pray five times a day daily. Bye guys .
Peace and love .

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