What a strange world

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Annalie woke up to the chirping of birds. She started brushing her beautiful curls, you see, she was quite the diva. Annalie has beautiful brown curls and blue eyes, which her mother always told her were as beautiful as the sea. She chose the cutest outfit she could find and walked to her garden. Wandering around, she found some beautiful flowers, which seemed to make a path. Annalie followed the path mumbling,
"How come the heat today is so intense?"
She kept walking until she saw a flower. But this flower didn't resemble any flower she had seen before, the flower was a beautiful colour red. But as she approached the flower, the floor suddenly disappeared along with the ground.
"AHHHHH!" she screamed, pretty sure this meant she would die from the fall.
Since she had her eyes closed from the scare she received, she took a bit of time to realize that nothing had happened. She was levitating.
"How in the world?"she said.
Just when she was about to take a step, she was suddenly flown into the air.
"Bloody hell!" she screamed as she flew higher and higher.
Due to the rapid movement, she fainted. But while that happened, she began dreaming.
Suddenly Annalie appeared in her bed in front of her uncle Salazar.
"Sweety, remember this, if you go into adventure, always ensure you'll have a way to get back."
"Yes uncle!"
"That's my fallen star!" (He had nicknamed her fallen star)

Hi readers! I will be leaving a little something every story at the end.
And sorry this chapter was so short.

Remember: Curiosity killed the cat.

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