The Explanation

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Annalie and Adam were sitting in his kitchen.

"Let me tell you all about this situation," he said, "it all started with the female assassin, now known as The Queen of Hearts.

Her name was Beatrice, she used to be a cute and charming little village girl, nobody suspected anything. One day, her mother was found pinned to the floor with knives, her chest cut open, ribs broken, and her heart missing. They found Beatrice in her room, apparently asleep. When she "found out" what happened girl cried and cried, everyone was trying to make her feel better.

Next week, they found her dad pinned to the wall's house by a knife that went through his skull and into the wall. Again, his heart was missing, and again, Beatrice was asleep when they found her dad.

She got adopted by another family, which was formed by 5 members, mom, dad, and three sons. After a month, they were telling everyone how strange she was. This time, they found the whole family stabbed to death and with their eyes scratched out. And Beatrice was found in a corner, laughing. She had a jar that was about her arm's length, with seven hearts on the bottom.

She ran off when they found her, never to be seen for many years, but with many people being mysteriously murdered each month.

After all those years of disappearing, she is now a teenager, almost a woman. She murders innocent and unsuspecting people, takes their hearts, and keeps their hearts in her jar, which is now filled with rotting hearts. Thus, known as The Queen of Hearts.

Besides killing, she tortured different citizens of this land, most time making them insane killers, and her followers.

The rabbit is one of her victims, the flowers aren't, no one actually knows if they just appeared like that, or if something made them like that.

Now, everyone has to watch their backs, careful to not turn into insanity by the pressure and to not get murdered.

That is why I was watching you, I just saw you, a cute and innocent girl, in a world like this. I just wanted to make sure you didn't, well, die."

After listening to this story, Annalie just had one question.

"Why did you get so angry?"she asked.

"I got angry because I saved you, and I was worried about you, yet you didn't trust me."

"I... Okay, let's not talk about the matter. It is ruining my mood."

"How can you be in a happy mood? Like, in the morning?"

Annalie laughed.

"I don't know, I guess I'm a morning person."

"I have never been a morning person, it is just not my thing. I am really grumpy."

**Time Skip**

(Annalie and Adam are going around Adam's garden)

"Hey, you are really funny, has any one told you that?" Annalie asked.

"Well, I've never had any friends to be funny with, so, no." Adam responded.

"Well, you have me now!"

As they were talking about their new friendship, two guys appeared. One was dressed in red casual clothes, had white hair, and red eyes. The other one was dressed in white casual clothes, he had red hair, and silver eyes. Both were carrying knives.

"Why are you here?" Adam asked.

"We wanted to see where the lunatic lived, nice place." said the guy in red, while deviously smirking.

"Well, now that you've seen, I have to ask you to leave." Adam said with a commanding tone.

"Do you really think we are gonna leave without having a little fun?" The guy in white smirked.

The guy in red jumped to Annalie and pinned her to a nearby tree, with his knife to her throat. But Adam was fast too and did the same to his partner, and hitting him on the hand to take his knife and putting it beside his neck too.

"If you dare touch her, I'll cut your partner's throat open." Adam said, eyes filling again with rage.

"Adam don't!" Annalie yelled.

"As if you would dare." The guy in red said, and slapped Annalie across the face.

That was it, Adam had gone mad again. His pupils became small, eyes wide open, and with a crazy smile, he cut the partner's throat, while never taking his crazy stare off the guy in red.

The guy in red stared in horror as his partner slumped to the ground, eyes void of life, and the cut in his neck gushing out blood. He turned, and ran, leaving Adam maniacally laughing.

Annalie was horrified, she slumped too, but out of shock. She just couldn't process what had happened. She got up, with a blank expression, and started trotting back to the house.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Adam said, his mad expression diminishing, while he slowly came back to reality.

"I am going back to the house, I need time to process." she said trotting away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2016 ⏰

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